
Mars Conjunct Uranu...
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Mars Conjunct Uranus (& Algol) - July 2024

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mars uranus algol

Mars and Uranus will join Algol at 26° Taurus  July 14-21, 2024, peaking on the 15-16th.

The chart is for the 15th. Please note the moon in Scorpio will have a rough ride during this period, with Pluto opposing the sun and Venus.

You probably know, Algol is associated with beheading.  There's enough going on here, we could see some news.  Unpredictable.  However, I do not expect this period to go unnoticed.

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These dates are already marked “!” in my calendar.  Natal mars is exactly there and there are 7 planets in hard aspect to my chart at that time.  Keep calm and don’t run with scissors!

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Thanks for the heads up. Fixed sign transits in multiple seem to be very challenging atm, I guess with Pluto and Uranus domicile in fixed signs at the moment it amplifies their potency working together for deep change. Reminds me of the Uranus-Pluto square days in cardinal Aries and Capricorn, they were some times! But with cardinal it triggered the urge for action over doubt! However with fixed signs, the ego area of focus is maintaining or preserving something. There is a more fight or flight energy involved when these transits kick off. That's what I've been noticing this week. The fixed energies are stubborn to change, as I say, their nature is to maintain, which is beautiful in certain circumstances but not so good when deep change is needed. In the sense that the change that is needed these days energetically is a deep surrender towards trust and faith. On the other side of such letting go are new more lush pastures of experiencing, but due to fear and survival based foundations, the fixed energy struggles to "believe". And we need to do this altogether, on mass, a huge collective bungee jump into a new way. It will be gnarly process due to the nature of fixed energy having to go against itself, it's habitual way, in order to grow. I'm speaking as a Taurus but I'm sure other fixed signs can relate. 

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I just realised I should have mentioned the word CONTROL. I think us fixed signs don't see clearly for a long time we are controlling or trying to control, as others more clearly perceive it, we feel we have some job to do by maintaining something, but it is control if there is fear anywhere present.


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My Jupiter is at 26 Taurus. AHHHHH! I've been feeling super restless lately. Been redirecting the energy towards building my future side business which I plan to launch once Jupiter enters Cancer. 

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7/15/24 8am Milwaukee Wisconsin. RNC! Mars Uranus Conjunction at MC show a shakeup in leadership. Deals made behind closed doors and a foreign involvement exposed after the event, an informant. Spy on their leadership team. One or more high level people might have heath crisis or be pushed to the side. Potential for violence on the floor. Chaos in the chart. 

Nancy Reagan had an astrologer. She never would have planned an event on such an unfortunate day! 🤣 

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Taurus 26 is a rather strange degree... It's where female beauty and desire for it becomes so entrancing that its head gets cut off and used as a shield by another woman, who stands as symbol for female intellectual wisdom (Athena/Pallas).. I find all descriptions either horrible or dealing with the change of beauty to pain to weapon removed link It's also linked to alcohol (algol is the arabic term). Also, 'algos' is the ancient greek word for pain, which may be unrelated not.

In any case, it's weird and I still haven't fully understood it. Having my natal venus there, I have to say that lately I have been having moment after moment of deep, clarifying, potentially healing instances, where information is revealed, or unearthed, and formerly unknown pieces are falling into place. I am often a bit unsure abt the link between lived experience and astro transits as I find them deeply complex, but all that's happening are linked to venus issues so there's a big chance that's what's working. I think that Neptune's influence cannot be pushed aside here, this feels like a very graceful sextile happening. The sun will also be supportive. Mars in taurus is either vastly peaceful and idle or crazied out and while uranus points to the 2nd, uranus loves to surprise so, who knows

I will be looking into that though and taking notes, really curious what we will be reporting abt it once timing is here

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@dora welcome back!

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@elsa thanks ☺️

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