
Mars Conjunct Uranu...
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Mars Conjunct Uranus (& Algol) - July 2024

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Here are some fun charts for the start and end of the 'Reign of Terror' in France in 1793-1794 (set at noon). This was when the guillotine became a popular method to depose members of a dominant social group.


I knew Pluto was in Aquarius during the French Revolution, but here we can see how Pluto was in fact opposing Uranus (in Leo, sign of Kings, Queens, nobility) with both planets squaring Algol in Taurus. Saturn was also in Taurus, so squaring Uranus and Pluto by sign. When the reign of terror started, Jupiter was in late Scorpio creating a fixed grand cross, holy moly!

Although, on one level, Algol manifested physically in this period, that is, in order to destroy a way of thinking of a group, the head that did that thinking was literally removed by others, there would have been other levels of influence within the collective at that time. And it's likely that nowadays, this 'beheading' would happen in different ways. I'm thinking, primarily, through our relationship to consciousness. With these developments, certain ways of thinking and perceiving are becoming no longer possible, almost as if a physical beheading had occurred. These perceptions and sense of identity are lost, from the head, but the head itself as a body part is not necessarily physically removed from the body. It depends on the dominant levels of density both in the collective and in the individual themselves whether there is the possibility of utilising the physical matter directly. There will be circumstances of course where this will line up and occur but I don't think en masse as in this earlier period.

Here is Algol in my own chart 😉

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Just noticing that Neptune had also just entered Scorpio in Sept 1793 and was there for this whole period. So Pluto, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were all in fixed signs. 😲 

Normally in individual's charts if you see a combo of 3 of these planets in aspect together, then that person does something momentous in their life, something 'historical', that brings a shift to the collective, so 4 planets in aspect is 'next level'.

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Nuremberg 2 would do just fine!

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Julian Assange got out of prison yesterday.

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I'm relating this event to Mars moving towards Uranus in Taurus. Moon was conjunct Pluto in Aquarius also yesterday - extra boost.

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May God restore his health and keep him safe from harm. 🙏❤

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The last few days with Moon in Aquarius have been interesting because I find what gets amplified with the fixed signs is CONTROL (due to underlying activation of FEAR) with a simultaneous intense pressure to TRANSFORM by surrendering ALL, which is aided by the water sign transits, especially Pisces. So if the last few days was two signs active, Taurus and Aquarius, then looking at the original chart for this post, we have all FOUR fixed signs active. And this speaks, on a more minor level to the reign of terror charts. A lessor level because we're only (only!) dealing with Uranus and Pluto, plus personal planets, rather than ALL outer planets plus personal and social planets. That was a period of major alchemy! The current line up suggests to me that individual change, as in within the person, is highlighted. There will be a battle in which the ego tries to remain in control versus intense pressure to let go, which opens the door to a new (old, actually) paradigm/way of living. The process where you go THROUGH the fear and control is gnarly as it sources itself from stored bodily memories of misery and suffering (ie trauma), but if you bear it out, there is a sweet release and your experience of life changes, because the parameters have shifted. 

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I dread this. It’s happening in my 4th house.

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@libra7670 sorry,  I wouldn't like that either.

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This will be happening in my 5th house. I'm guessing as I have this conjunction natally in Scorpio, albeit at earlier degrees, that it will be activated. Hope it's nothing to do with my son.

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My daughter the Saggie is going through all sorts of hell right now.

That's going to square her Mars at 28 Aquarius and is close by her Moon at 23 Leo.

Saturn is going to roll back by her Sun- Mercury-Pluto with Jupiter around this time  (opposition).

Jupiter is exactly conjunct her Saturn.

She's having a tough time. She's about to give up on love and she's in a retail job for the short term.

Who said your 20s should be glamorous? 

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