
Mars Conjunct Uranu...
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Mars Conjunct Uranus (& Algol) - July 2024

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They say this will take a month. He has to recover between surgeries.

Bar in the Sky
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Whenever there is death in any archetype it always precedes a rebirth. Something had to die in order for something to transform and grow. Death of an outdated mind into a higher perception. All the energy that people fear can be transformed into something powerful. If energy is neutral until directed, than surely (yes, I’m calling you surely!) if you are willing to work with this energy, knowing the powerful transformation it can have, brings a whole new understanding of Algol’s capabilities. 

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Not sure about this. It's the most malefic star is all of astrology.  Also called, the Demon star.

But, maybe. 

I can't say I'd personally try to work with it. I would not want to run that kind of energy through me. Too dangerous. This would be my personal feeling. I've heard quite a bit over the years.


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@elsa It's 10 minutes from my Mercury so I get to work with it whether I want to or not. I have to be honest and self-sacrificing in all that I do, surround myself with the decent people of any creed, and take only what I need when it comes to the big things. I don't get to play games or cut corners because the fallout from my bad choices can get so huge. I can definitely access a "Luciferian" place in my mind and I encounter it outside of me everywhere I go. It feels karmic, hereditary and almost bigger than me.

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@rusalka This makes a lot of sense.  Thank you.

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@rusalka this is super interesting.  I also feel the need to do right by people, no shortcuts, never wishing anyone ill, heavy relationship karma etc. but attributed it to my 12h Scorpio mars-saturn conjunction (with Pluto in 12h 29 Libra). However I do have my descendant at 27 Taurus so now you have me wondering about Algol.

Bar in the Sky
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@elsa I read an interesting article that talks about Algol being represented as Medusa in archetypes. Her story and how her power was used and tranformed, I think explains the concept of the relationship of light and dark. There is not one without the other. I do not doubt the malefic nature of Algol. I just feel there is always some deeper meaning/understanding that we can’t quite grasp.

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@bar-in-the-sky Sounds right to me. I accept this is my block.

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Mars-Uranus got me. A woman came in to my work, having ridden a motorcycle in 110 degree heat and humidity, and her head slumped onto the counter as I finished the transaction. It happened so fast that at first I thought she was just annoyed. Then she sat down on the floor, and passed out again while I went to get cool water from the breakroom. I knew I was going to have to pour that water on her. Bystanders fanned her and loosened up some clothing and my colleague called EMS. She didn't hit her head hard and suffered no serious harm. She perked up with some more water and Gatorade and rode her bike home after the sun went down.

It's weird how such trivial choices can make or break your day and even complete strangers'. She wasn't planning to go out today. Uranus is right on top of my Mercury and I got 100% crystal clarity that I need to pursue a medical vocation of some sort. I wanted to anyway, but I've been waffling. Heat exhaustion is obviously not the most intense thing healthcare professionals deal with on the daily, but as shocking and stressful as it was I never got overwhelmed or blanked on what to do. What a way to find out.

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@rusalka She was lucky you were there.  Good job!

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The thing about the malefic nature of stars or planets is that it was instituted in a very different time and space. Back then there was no positive aspect to Saturn or Pluto and Mars was mostly malefic as well. But maybe one person's malefic is another's source of strength (which nost often comes from hardships faced and dealt with). 

That doesn't make any planet all sunset and roses - Saturn can still be unbearable and pluto simply an a$$hole while having positive traits as well. Algol is no different

Sue Ellen
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My elderly neighbor has a broken hip. She was found yesterday when she didn't answer the door for Meals on Wheels lunch. Surgery is planned for this morning.

Her daughter lives hundreds of miles away. Otherwise, she has a large family nearby. She lives alone. Thoroughly independent personality. Pisces sun, Aires moon.

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@sue-ellen So worrisome when elderly people are alone and fall. No one knows until they don't answer the phone or the door. These stories literally make me cry and I don't even know the people involved. 

I can remember the first time they tried to take my mom's driving privileges away. Omg. And she was running over mailboxes and all sorts of things. We were all right there, but she did not want anyone telling her how to do anything. She did not want to be made to feel vulnerable. She wanted to be independent and just keep going. Then she started falling. She fell headfirst into the bathtub. Two black eyes. She had those handles in the tub, around the toilet, a walker and everything you can hook a person up to. Then, she fell off the couch and broke her shoulder. God, a living nightmare. No matter what I would suggest lovingly... she would dig her heels in (Taurus Stellium) and say I was trying to control her life 😳 I was worried about her 24 hours a day. She flat refused to leave her home. And she died in her home as she wished. So did my dad, and my stepdad. 

God... a family of very hardheaded stubborn people. Couldn't assist or tell them anything. I sat in non-stop worry.  

Sue Ellen
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Neighbor had surgery yesterday - a partial hip replacement. Today she was moved to a rehab facility. 

You understand what I’m talking about. My mother quit driving after her heart attack. She feared she’d have another attack while driving and hurt somebody else. She was the Libra sun type that thought how her actions affected others.  Now, taking her gun away was a different matter. She was starting to hallucinate and the family was afraid she’d actually shoot one of us. My brother slipped the gun out of the house, but she found it missing.  She was angry at all of us kids.  She lived to be 92. My neighbor is 91. 

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@sue-ellen My mother and her 44 Sue Ellen. We were worried about her with that thing all the time although she knew how to use it. 

When my mother was so sick she could not walk I told her I was calling the department of aging on the man that lived there. He immediately took her to the ER and she was admitted and put on fluids... she was terribly dehydrated and malnourished. OMG... try to imagine the conversation he and I had. 

But she would not have it. She shut me down. She told me to mind my own business and that she was fine (she was not) she screamed and yelled at me and said some horrible things that hurt deeply. I finally called her doctor who was also my doctor and just told them everything. Doctor said she is of her right mind and if she wants to stand on her head none of us have a right to say a thing. Doc said she is entitled to live the rest of her life the way she wants. 

I still told her after that I intended on making phone calls, so she was protected because I was getting nowhere. I cannot repeat what she said to me. 

Finally, after running the streets and doing whatever she wanted to do, she got CV and it took her quick. (She did smoke 2pks of cigs a day and drink tequila shots though so....) 

Falls, in and out of the hospital, quadruple bypass, pacemaker, hysterectomy at 75 with a bowel resection, so many things happened to her because she just would NOT take any instruction or help from anyone. 

Her words were very harsh. But I sure do miss that woman. I loved her and all her nonsense dearly. I raised her kids. Wish she would or could call me right now .... cuss me out. I wouldn't care. Would love her hear her voice again. 

Hope your neighbor recovers nicely Sue Ellen. I have to say some of these elderly people have more grit than young people... OR ME. They take these falls and surgeries and cancers and ... all of it and get up and keep going. My DIL that passed ... her mom ... stage 4 lymphoma. Ringing that damn bell flew through chemo like a soldier. Some of these women are just... 😳 

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Mars Uranus Theme song!

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