
Mars square Pluto t...
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Mars square Pluto transit June 2024

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This I'm starting to feel now. Going to try to stay zen. ☮️🕊️

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Mars crossed my descendant yesterday.  I kept the day quiet and solitary. Didn’t need any more explosions…

Sue Ellen
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I almost rear ended someone in traffic two days ago. I was looking off to the side while driving up to a stop light. I looked forward in time to see a big black pickup truck stopped at the light. I think I left a little rubber on the road from hitting the brakes.

Otherwise it's pretty quiet. Mars is transiting my 12th house.

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Power struggles starting to bubble up. Crush is grouchy and I hope it's not because of me. Someone parked in my assigned, numbered parking spot. I was livid. Decided not to say anything because, yanno, Mars-Pluto square. They moved on their own. I let them see me walk out, keys in hand, to put my car back though. (They probably don't give a fuck. Just covering all my bases.)

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Almost to the minute, according to my honeycomb personal astrological calendar, when Mars squared my MC  my 86 yo mother fell at the gym and took a blow to the back of her head.  So far she’s fine and getting it checked out.

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@myrna Oh, ouch!  I feel for her and for you. The thought of this, makes my heart clutch.

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@elsa thank you.  She did get her head checked out and she’s fine. She is 86 and at the gym so she’s in good shape. Has Pisces Sun, Sag moon, so life is fluid on “planet mom”. Mars in Taurus entered the sign of her MC with Uranus conjunct MC.  We’ll have to see how this goes…

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@myrna Good!!  Glad to hear this!

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All is good here and has been good here.... just told husband... whoa, who are you talking to? Pull back on the words some hon... 

I won't lie... I am falling over laughing at the trash on Twitter. It's a special place today 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 💣 💣 💣 

Elsa needs to round the world up and teach people how to act during a square like this... because it is the wild west out there 🤣 


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@soup thank you! I appreciate this. I'm beginning to feel like a lone voice in the woods, lol.  I admit it takes some navigating but jeez, it beats slamming into a tree!

I am watching GME where stockholders put bananas in their butt (on camera) when the stock price meets certain metrics. How's that for Mars Pluto - Gemini broadcast all around the world!!

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@elsa the fixed signs are holding their breath, but I come read you every day. I have made a promise to myself that if I don't have anything nice to say I am going to shut my big mouth, because you are giving us instructions and trying to help. I don't only have to hold my own with all the squaring to Scorpio, but I also have a Taurus moon, so I am in the direct line. 

Now with Mars in Taurus well... HERE WE GO. Will people accept they cannot tame a bull? Taurus will be increasingly feral through July. They are not going to want to cooperate. This is table flipping energy. And it's hitting me from the front, and the back. 

Fixed signs will be defiant, so don't expect them to cooperate .... they will be very impatient. Mid July.... 😳 

And yes yes yes..... Gemini broadcast all around the world!!!!!!!!!! (I have the Mars and believe me I have no desire to be on the world stage HA) 

I am truly getting it from every direction. Once you said.... sometimes it's good to just go lay down and be quiet and think about what you are going to do, before you do it! 

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@soup My husband is 2 Taurus. Jilly's husband is 1 Scorpio.

My husband is on week 125 taking care of his mother... no words.  I give him a lot of space as he's super testy. Just ask the guy in the tire store, who about got his neck broke.

Jilly's husband is having a similar experience as I am. So many dying all around him.


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@soup also, on the table flipping; it looks to me like it's going to happen.  The money lenders.  The rage is focused and grows by day, if not by the hour.


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@elsa I'm watching. This is big! HUGE energy!!! 

People eyeball me over the Scorpio when they really should be eye balling the Taurus. But what do I know 😳

You won't move a bull. You won't talk them down once enraged. You cannot and will not stop one.  

I stopped coming here to list the dead people. I couldn't write this. No one believes it. But it's true. 

Yeah, there's gonna be some table flipping. Unavoidable. Not by me, but there will be. 

I want to add that Aquarius is taking a beating and LEO will never be the same. Poor freaking Leo. God help us one and all. I feel so bad for Aquarius right now... I really do. 

But a Taurus? Leave them alone. They will kick your ass and a Scorpio will be behind them with a shovel. 


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