
Mars Transiting Fir...
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Mars Transiting First House

Posts: 18
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Mars has been transiting my 1H for about 2-3 weeks now. I've been incredibly grumpy! Like full on PMS without the bloat! What gives?

Has anyone else noticed this or experienced this before? It makes me want to go underground. I suppose it could be in part due to it opposing my nSaturn, Mars and Venus. But t.Jupiter is there, my chart ruler, transiting my 7H. I shouldn't be all tense and irritable with that...or should I?

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Yes. 12th was rough. 1st was marginally better. I alway have to watch that little bugger. He creeps up on my shit like you would not believe.

I think what has saved me is breathing exercise. For real.

I push myself OUT when I need, for the sake of others mostly. Same: I drag myself IN to the best of my abilities.

Mars is a hot-shot. Yes? And he does not like being suppressed. So that creates discomfort.

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Have this now as well. Mainly going over where i'm still over-extending myself.

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Michele - I think I should push myself off a cliff into a pool of freezing cold water, cuz that little bugger as you called him needs to COOL DOWN! I'm not trying to suppress, but I've already got my Moon conj Pluto and in Virgo. Virgo doesn't like messy angsty feelings. I'm not sure what to do. Maybe I'll explode when it gets around to squaring my late Virgo planets?

I don't think it would bother the Virgo-ness in me if Mars didn't have to get so brash and in-your-face. Being in fiery Sadge isn't helping from that aspect because my sarcasm is showing it's not so pretty side.

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I am picking up speed... tomorrow, the next day, I dont know... Pissed off for "other" reasons....

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I've had it during the whole time Mars was in Virgo. What would you like to know? Because to be honest my mojo wasn't doing so well. The minute Mars switched to Libra I felt rejuvenated. Mind you, Mars in Libra was double debilitated in my case because it was also in the 2nd house.

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