
Saturn conjunct Jup...
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Saturn conjunct Jupiter?? (& so long April!)

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What a crazy month April was with the Eclipse and Mercury Retro all happening around my Aries North Node axis return, plus Jupiter conjunct Uranus! It's still hard to tell what all happened but I have a feeling a lot of karma seeds were planted, some good, some not so.

The best indicator I have of the future fallout is Saturn, which was also slowly transiting over my progressed Jupiter this month. The thing is, Saturn is now heading to the degree of my NATAL Jupiter where it'll station EXACT for like 40 days(!) starting in June. Then Saturn goes BACK (retro) over my progressed Jupiter and then back again over my Natal Jupiter. That'll be the whole story of Saturn (for me) from now until February 2025... just hammering my Jupiter points.

Last time Saturn touched my Jupiter in Pisces was in 95/96 and I was only 9. I remember watching the NBA All-Star game that month, that's my key memory. That's also when my mom started dating a Sagittarius who later became my stepdad. We lived in the favorite house I ever had growing up; it was old and on an alleyway. That's the age when my mom finally let me play outside on my own and I would explore up and down the alley. And that's how I met Bob and Anne, our elderly neighbors who became very good friends to our family and they always gave us smoked salmon. Overall, it was one of THE best times of my life.

I don't know how this Saturn/Jupiter period could match that, but I sure hope it turns out great. It ain't happening again until 2054!

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I hope this transit delivers for you!

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