Question for Gemini Mars people: What's your biggest challenge? How do you handle it?
As a native gem Mars, my challenge is sustained interest in a topic. I try to keep my focus by diversifying my activities. Aka if I'm feeling bored, I pick up a book on an unrelated topic & read for a solid hour or two. That usually does the trick!
Where's your Mars? How do you use it to persevere?
Mars Aries. Impatience is the weal spot. Ability to act right now is the strength.
Mars Scorpio. Anger, and slow-burning rage that I never know when it will explode, and what banal thing will be the trigger. I don't release my anger so easily because I'm aware of how destructive it will be, and the other person will be destroyed forever. Self-control is something I really mastered, but it's an everyday process, I work on it every single day. I can hold a grudge for ages. Even self-control can't help with that.
Libra Mars - Lacking boundaries because of being too understanding
Suppressing emotions bc i like to overthink and convince myself im being unreasonable
Mars in Gemini: I have 6 tabs open on my PC right now.
I have to make lists to get anything done. I will literally be cleaning out a closet and somehow, I am in the garage 20 minutes later organizing a shelf.
When angry I really have to watch my mouth. I can burn a bridge in two sentences.
Exercise is necessary to stay grounded and be in control. I don't function well without it. Problem is, there were times there was just no time for it. Like during the time I had two kids as a single mom working two jobs. I end up with built up energy that turns into nervous energy.
When nothing is going on I procrastinate. When I am at my busiest, I do my best work. Makes no sense.
Mars in Virgo here. I'm very detail-oriented. I have a hard time stopping something before it's finished. I can be a perfectionist. I'm a bit impatient sometimes, though I generally hold my tongue. I also have Mars square Sun and Ascendant . I'm extremely driven, maybe to a fault. I bite off more than I can chew, but I don't care. I will sometimes push myself to extremes, especially if there's competition, I feel I have something to prove, or there's a lot on the line. I also multitask to the point where I need lists or I can't keep track of everything.