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Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Saturn

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Do you have Saturn in Capricorn or Sagittarius? If so you have had transiting Pluto conjunct your natal Saturn somewhat recently. 

What was that like?

Thanks for any input Smile


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Jana  --  You may have a bit of trouble finding someone that can match these parameters.  Pluto has been in Cap since 2008.  Therefore, this would place someone in the very early to mid-teens.  As for Pluto transit Sadge, maybe someone in their middle 20's may catch this thread since Pluto started moving through Sadge in 2995.

Generally speaking, transit Pluto to natal Saturn is just a huge shake-up of the status quo.  I feel overall, with natal Saturn being in Cap, while it may not be an easy transit, Saturn is at home in Cap.  Pluto may not be very respectful of the tight boundaries set by that placement, on the other hand, if Pluto tries 99 ways to Sunday to tear apart those boundaries and destroy what is really good  (as in beneficial to you)  there is going to be a huge tug-a-war.  Transit Pluto to a natal Saturn in Sadge is a whole different ballgame.  It is called grow-up time, life really and truly is not this huge non-stop party, and while often Saturn in Sadge can tame the more adventuresome side of Sadge, it may just be Pluto that presents the push to go out, see the world, and accept and embrace the new and the foreign.

If you can find a way to bring the two energies together, you can accomplish great things.  Be prepared to work your backside off.  Believe in what you decide to take on, be genuine, and never stab anybody in the back.  BTW, while I have seldom seen this happen, if you did something in the past, something that you know was wrong, hurtful, mean, etc. and amends were never made, do not be one bit surprised if the energy of bad karma comes to knock on your front door.  Whatever you do, take the high road.

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I've been thinking that Pluto in Aqua and not sure how the character of the sign will influence. How will the metamorphing killer/anarchist operate lol. It's seems like it's tracking the big  de-globalization in the world...individualism. If you look at the era in which globalism took hold it was it's opposite sign--Pluto in Leo years.

So it looks like I'll be decoupling from my professional life. (Pluto currently conjunction the 10th house ruler). That feels like personal de-globalizing.

Transiting Saturn will also enter my Pisces fourth house so perhaps I'll be structuring at the root. I've had a major move each time it was there. 

Thanks again Smile

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Pluto in Leo years  --  for some answers and clues, look at the tail end of the baby boomer generation.  A lot of us were out there raising all kinds of hell.

As for a switch in professional life, join the crowd.  Peeps are just fed-up and sick of putting up with bad management, companies that refuse to listen to their customers, being mistreated and in many cases mentally, emotionally and verbally being abused.  Us old boomers, we did the years and years and years of working for the same company, we almost had to because we got locked into the concept of "golden handcuffs".   

I used to hate Saturn in the 4th  --  and the transit was even worse.  Now I just love it.  Maybe it is because I now have enough time and energy to make my house a true home.  And it is solid.

You may go through a number of upsets and changes  --  you are going to be A-OK.

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Thanks. I wasn't clear. I will have it at 0 Aquarius, I just figured that there might be people who have had the transit in Cap and Sag.

So far I feel the squeeze in career. The gradual elimination of all the support I had at work (my assistant) coupled with a big increase in expectations that really can't be met. So  demoralizing on a daily basis. 

Thanks for weighing in Sun-Mar Smile much appreciated. 

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Yes - I have Saturn in Sadge, so I had this transit during high school. Natal Saturn in H5, really close to cusp of H6, but technically in the 5th - What a buzzkill for my moon also in H5 Sadge! Saturn and Moon both in big trine to Jupiter in my 9th so it's all good.

I gained a lot of freedom at that age, even if I didn't realize it or took it for granted at the time. I remember being generally insecure about myself, but I did have plenty of moments of letting loose and having fun. My oppressive older brother went to college and wasn't there breathing down my neck! My parents were strict but reasonable. I had plenty of opportunities to push the boundaries. I made my fair share of mistakes that were mostly forgiven but definitely not all forgotten.

Saturn in Aquarius has got to be quite different from Saturn in Sadge. Probably a more suitable place for the old man, rather than on a wild bucking horse!

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Yah, I get the buzzkill. I have Moon/Asc Sag and most of my placements in Cap so I do the expand/contract dance. Smile

"opportunities to push the boundaries" sounds good Smile

I do wonder about the Aqua contrarian/anarchist influence in the mix.

Thanks for weighing in.



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I have Saturn 3 Capricorn and, currently being 63, I was about 50 during my Pluto transit to Saturn.  Natal Pluto is trine Saturn and the tightest aspect in my charts houses 11 and 3.  It’s a long transit and there was a lot going on for me during that time that is very memorable and a couple of events that were life changing in a good way although difficult at the time. 

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It looks like the natal Saturn aspect was influencial in your circumstance. I wasn't considering how the natal aspects of my natal Saturn would play into it. I have natal Saturn sextile the Ascendant and trine the Descendant so perhaps there will be support from the seventh and 1st house. Smile /p>

Thanks for weighing in,


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