I left a pot with oil in it from cooking chicken burning on the stove last night while we ate dinner. I felt like Alzheimer lady! I even commented on the smell but I thought it was just general from frying those cutlets.
Maybe not a small appliance but close! Oh actually my Internet was out because electric company ripped up some trees in the front and cut the cables by accident. Fixed this morning.
I'm still having Merc Rx - like problems, like every single day. I feel like I'm trudging through mud and every little thing requires tremendous effort. I start getting things done and new things pop up.
It's amazing to me how people seem to take it easy, enjoy things- that's always my goal but it's tough. I always have a to do list.
I tell myself that progress is still improvement, no matter what. I'm progressing in small ways every day in major areas, so I won't complain. But sometimes. ...I just want to go to an all-inclusive in Mexico and chill for a week.