Just a random thought while we are on the topic of attraction...
What aspects in synastry or activated house would account for an attraction that a guy develops for a girl over time?
TW: Minor sexual content. Apologies if that's not allowed. Let me know or delete my post.
Here's an update on my intense synastry: Hung out with the friend yesterday and he got pretty shitfaced (Drunk). I only had a couple drinks and ended up crashing at his place for the night. Yes, I've shared a bed many times with him before, it's nothing new. However, before we left the pub a commercial came on that showed two squirrels with nuts in their mouths and he made a comment to me about one of them looking like me, with nuts in my mouth. Totally off the wall for him because he doesn't usually make comments like that to me. Like I said, he seemed to lose interest in me like that.
Anyways, we get back to his place and get settled into go to sleep and the second offhand comment he makes? He has a boner. I said cool and he was like "What do you mean cool? You can suck on it if you like." Let's just say it went pretty , um, interesting from there.
I've concluded that he was either too shitfaced to care who did what to him or there's some degree of attraction he still has for me.
Synastry is really interesting for sure.
I Would say the strongest is definitely Venus/Pluto in my opinion specially hard aspects (Conjuctions, Oppositions, Squares).
I have Venus Opposition Pluto with a girl in a exact aspect (0.6) I am Venus and she is Pluto and honestly the connection and attraction that I have towards her is mind blowing. I often wonder if she has the same attraction towards me or is it unrequited love because we only have a venus/pluto contact one way instead of it being a double whammy.
There isn't any one-size fits all with astrology - but I do believe there are the general classic indicators:
Contacts between luminaries
Luminaries in contact with Mars &/or Venus
Mars/Venus contacts
Saturn contacts as the 'glue'
DSC sign, planets within that
Mars, maybe Sun as indicators of attraction if you are a woman
Moon, Venus as indicators of attraction if you are a man
Within this - I think it's all pretty darn personal & changeable
I'm going to share very basic 'classic' stuff @ my relationships - you can see how literal astrology can be sometimes
first real relationship of @ 8 years: I have Mars in Gemini: he was a Gemini Sun
After this: had two relationships with Aquarians, one of which married for @ 10 years: I have Uranus in the 7th
Now: finally, late 30's, I had really truly fell 'crazy in love': he was a Libra: I have Libra on the descendant. His Sun/NN/Pluto trined my Gemini Mars - super hot & instantaneous - (Mars is my chart ruler so you can see how this would be important, couple with Mars trining Libra's & it being my descendant you can see how Libra men will be catnip). This was ill-fated romance
Had a crazy crush on a guy whose Sun/Jupiter conjunction was right there on my Libra descendant: nothing happened - but wow, I was very attracted to him & he just SHINED with that Sun/Jupiter placement
Couple years later meet my current partner: very lucky to have fallen in love again: was sure it would never happen again: guess what? He is a 'super Libra' & Mars/Venus conjunct my descendant.....once again my Mars trines his Sun/Pluto/Mars....
There's lots more I could go into: but that all is so basic, classic & graphic!
Want to add that with current partner - I have Uranus in my 7th - he has Aquarius on his descendant.
And my ASC/DSC conjuncts his MC/IC - I don't want to go into too much 'astro jargon' because I'd like to show the utter simplicity synastry can be...but: having said that, lol:
my current relationship is very Uranian - already mentioned Uranus in my 7th, he has Aquarius on DSC. We met during my Uranus return. His Venus is conjunct my Uranus (and my Uranus conjunct his Uranus & NN). His Venus sextiles my Venus (which rules my Uranus/DSC)
OH: also his moon sign is my sun sign: another 'classic'
ALL my relationships have involved either my Mars sign (gemini guy), DSC sign (my two 'crazy in love' guys), or correlated with Uranus in my 7th(two long term relationships with Aquarians): pretty straight forward!
Guess my point is maybe we don't need to dig all that deep: there are the 'classic' indicators & within that there will be whatever unique issues, strengths & weaknesses within the relationship.....