If you live in this area, please tell us what's going on.
Thank you!
I'm dark orange on the map. It was worse a couple of days ago, and smelled like Canada's landfills were on fire, not trees. It smelled exactly like burning tires.
To me it smelled like a campfire on Tuesday. Wednesday it smelled more like burning plastic but I assumed it’s from the smoke mixing with the smog? No idea. I haven’t been outside today. They’re anticipating for it to clear out in a few more days. It’s supposed to rain heavily tonight where I’m at. I wonder if that’ll clear a lot of it out?
It definitely does not feel good to breathe it in. Both mine and my husbands lungs are hurting. My husband was only out to walk the dog a couple of times.
Edit it is also irritating to your eyes.
It was worse in my area a few weeks ago but back again the past couple days.
DEFINITELY smells like a chemical fire, not wood smoke. Left a fine film of ash on car windshield. Dogs allergies flared up.
You all saw the pics of NYC. Surreal orange skies like out of a science fiction film.
It did occur to me to compare it to what happened to people living near concentration camps during WWII. Oh, nothing to see here, nothing to worry about. Canada is such a big 'ol place over there anyway...
Add to edit my are isn't on that map. I'm closer to NYC up the coast