
Neptune the Malefic
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Neptune the Malefic

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Neptune is charitable, or is the siren that lures you to death? ? 

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@anonymoushermit Get back to me in a few years when I'm done with my Neptune transit. Right now it's both!

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I'm laughing at your comment, not at your pain, LMAO!

Yeah, Neptune can be like a bad fish too! ? 

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Is there anyone who might be considered completely free of delusion? Maybe Neptune'll manifest as spiritual growth, or a quick getaway from reality, maybe it'll be addiction, delusion or disaster. And even when/if it manifests you might not know what is what. I'm a Virgo with a natal square and it's incredibly I can't even be the clear-headed person my sun sign is supposed to be and I can't be a mystic either.

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I relate Neptune to 'source' energy, like they say, these days! I also relate it to 'God', not in a religious, or Christian, sense! Just a large energy!

It's a great transit to pray. And boy, are people confused with this transit! 

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I have Neptune in my 12th, squaring my Moon in 3rd as part of a T-square with Saturn in my 9th. I can easily slip into dream-like states and ponder beautiful things, but I feel my Saturn is very helpful in bringing me out of these reveries easily and keeps them at bay when work needs doing. I'm usually very good at discerning what is real/not real.

Having said that, Neptune transiting my 3rd has been HARD. My style of communication is fragmented at times, and I am having to write anything important down as it can be so easy to forget things. Even working with Tarot has been more nebulous during this transit.

Good thread!

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I realized I enjoy Neptune transits when I am alone. Not so much when I am with others.

That boundless, universal love cannot be squeezed into a person. People will always fall short of it. They cannot express it fully. They are just tiny pieces of it.

God/Goddess shows up in the differences between us and everything.

That's Neptune for me.

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Charpy's post: "I undoubtably think it’s a malefic, and probably the cruelest one at that. Whereas Pluto or Saturn will let you know up front what the deal is, let you know that they are harsh and cold and will put you through it, Neptune deludes and shrouds the truth. It lets you think your getting somewhere, gives you hope for the future only to reveal years down the line you’ve been wasting your time and all your potential has been wasted. It seduces the vulnerable, destroying their lives through drugs, alcohol or just their own their fantasies that will never come true, making the reality they have to live in look like a nightmare. It’s like an opiate numbing you into oblivion, a soft, slow, pitiless killer."


Haven't figured out how to quote other's posts, apologies Charpy. But definitely spot on and beautifully worded. been thinking the same for ages. Neptune can really operate as a malefic. Even if you have plenty of Pisces/Neptune in your chart, you may fare a little better, but only just. For those who don't have much Pisces/Neptune chart placements, Neptune can be brutal!

Neptune in Pisces has been the worst so far, as it's in it's domicile, so it functions at maximum capacity - for good and bad. Notice collectively what has culminated so far, fake news and conspiracy theories, to name a few. 

I have a very Mutable-heavy chart, so since 2013 I've been pummelled with Neptune transits, one after another, including the luminaries. Next year I will have the crescendo of Neptune square my Ascendant, and therefore square my DC.  So I'm definitely aware by now of the real damage that Neptune can do. Not over for me yet, until Neptune reaches Aries (then it's a new set of problems lol) 

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@mermaid Welcome!

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