Hi CeeCee. I'm having my nodal return right now so it's interesting to think about the opposition back in 2001. When the NN last moved into Gemini, it was just after September 11. I'm a New Yorker and witnessed it from my downtown Manhattan roof. I almost moved back to Europe just out of fear and not wanting to deal with aftermath, but instead I decided hey, fuck fear and applied for a (peon, I was 25) job I wanted with a very big-wig in a Gemini/Sag-ruled field. I got the job and began it that January. To say the job was fated would be an understatement. That job opened many doors.
My SN is on my 10th house cusp. My nodes are angular and thus square my ASC/DSC at the exact degree. I have 0 Virgo rising and 0 Gem SN/0 Sag NN at 0.
During my nodal return (now) in the 4th, it's been all about property and establishing the roots for the rest of our lives, really.
Thanks kr for sharing your experience ! I do feel a turning point coming.
I will join the club.
It is my nodal return in scorpio 1 (@ 37).... I literally can feel the shift coming. Relationships forming now seem extremely powerful and important. Even life changing
Watching ths thread. Think I have some node stiff going on too with scorp.
It's my nodal return too. Natal north node 10 degrees Scorpio. Hmmm...
I figured it could help understanding this transit more