Currently Orcus is on Regulus, by the way, which I take to mean its importance is heightened to an extreme. At 2 Virgo as it is, serve, help and support others, if you wish to get the the support of Orcus.
comment 7. ha.
irony at its height, in my life. happy to report i've been living like that, despite the last 48 hours of crashing. or as i like to say in my head these last couple of days... extendo-slow-crash.
I have Orcus in Cancer retro too in my 11th house, it is sesquisquare Venus and Saturn. No idea what that means.
I like Philip Sedgwick's work on asteroids. He writes as follows:
Orcus - A lord of the underworld. Orbital Period: 248.01 yr.
Positive: a person of one’s word, challenges broken promises, aligned with a spiritual creed, accountable for personal thought, word and deed
Negative: hypocritical, fault finding in the ways of others, blame assigning, ducks responsibility for word and actions, unable to keep promises
Mundane: contracts, oaths to organizations, religions or countries, creeds
Ceremonial: declaring faith, writing creeds, channeling the latest cosmic downloads and formatting it into doctrine
Orcus conjunct Jupiter in Cancer. Anyone got some links to this guy they can share?
Michele, even the favorites of Orcus are not immune to the current Grand Cross that's shaking the planet as we speak. I assume they do have a higher survival rate, though.
I have Orcus conjunct Sirius in Cancer in the first house. It makes a tight sextile to Uranus/Pluto and a semi-square to my Mars. Dang....