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Planetary Nodes

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Someone mentioned that Pluto crossed its South Node while it was in Capricorn. I heard it a few times before but I did not give it any weight then. Moon-Node conjunctions are a big deal in Vedic Astrology, esp. in Vimshottari Dasha system. I had a first-hand experience when I lived though my Rahu-Moon dasha.

It got me thinking. When Pluto was in Cancer with it's North Node we had 2 WWs and rise of the Third Reich. Everyone remembers 2020 when Pluto conjuncted it's South Node and Saturn exactly. 

In Vedic tradition Nodes have a rich meaning. Both are connected with occult but in a different ways. Ketu is connected with mediumship and astral travel. Rahu is associated with mind-altering substances and obsessions. Ketu is dissociative while Rahu is psychotic. Both make a person more susceptible to manipulation, persuasion and possession.

I find it fascinating that in both cases when Pluto conjuncts its Node masses are hypnotized. It's like something dark takes over people.

Hitler was on cocaine when he was giving his agitated speeches and his troops were on meth. The entire Third Reich was permeated with drugs. Nazis were also obsessed with the occult.

Fast forward to 2020 and we had mass hypnosis fueled by media and authorities. But unlike psychotic episode of Rahu, Ketu is separation, dissociation and apathy. In true Ketu manner, people lost their minds. No critical thinking, no inquiry, just passive obedience.

There is something extra to planet's on their own Nodes.

Other planets' Nodes as of June 6th, 2024.



NN - 14 Gemini

SN - 13 Cancer



NN - 19 Gemini

SN - 4 Cancer



NN - 2 Gemini

SN - 11 Libra



NN - 7 Cancer

SN - 15 Capricorn



NN - 20 Cancer

SN - 27 Capricorn



NN - 14 Gemini

SN - 13 Sadge



NN - 10 Leo

SN - 13 Aquarius



NN - 19 Cancer

SN - 21 Capricorn

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Posts: 79
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Joined: 10 months ago

Whenever Uranus transits Gemini and conjuncts its North Node United States is involved in a conflict. American Revolutionary War, Civil War & World War II.

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