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Are there or are there not, coincidences? 

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Bar in the Sky
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I have been trying to get someone to play cribbage with me for the past few weeks. I used to play with my Dad all the time. ( He passed when I was 12) I was talking with a client the other day about it -“ No one wants to play this game with me” I said. She told me to play online! So the past few days, I have been playing cribbage on an app. I’ve still got it! I’ve skunked the computer a handful of times already. 
Today as I was at the grocery store, the song House of the Rising Sun was playing. It’s a song from my childhood that reminds me of my father immediately. He was driving me and my friend to the mall one Saturday and he started laughing and blurted out “This song is about a whore house!” ((school girl giggles; burned in our memories forever. ))
I think they’re more of a message than a coincidence!

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@bar-in-the-sky perfect story for this thread. Thank you!

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Are you asking if coincidences are random or by design? I don't know but I believe that God's benevolent design is available to us if we choose to participate - and the more open we are to that idea, the more we will notice these remarkable messages (as described by @bar-in-the-sky )

I guess some people pass things off as "just a coincidence" because probability would allow remarkable things to happen sometimes by chance. Others will feel stunned and mystified by the thought "what are the chances?" while others may find much deeper meaning in the connections between disparate people, places, or events. Whether or not we choose to pay attention, probably depends on our beliefs.

I have a feeling that we are all one big coincidence. The fact that we're all alive on this planet at the same time is probably more special than we can even comprehend. Like a lot of things happened in the past that allowed me to type this on this blog right now. So many things over very long periods of time! I can't say if it was fated all along, or if it's just one of infinite possibilities that happened to take form randomly by chance? but I can say it's a miracle to be alive in this moment and I hope I can live up to the beauty of creation that surrounds me.

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For the most part, I think there are coincidences, but now and again, certain things happen and I'm struck by the feeling that it's more than a coincidence, it's a definite chain of (planned?) events that bring about a certain outcome. I don't think the Universe is all that random.

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Not sure if it's coincidence or synchronicity?  The radio is on all day in my house, talk radio mostly.  Almost daily, twice today, I'll be either thinking or reading or typing a word at exactly the same moment as someone on the radio speaks it.  Nothing noteworthy, just random words, like "character" just as I was typing it a few minutes ago.  Been noticing for years.

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