
Pluto in Aquarius
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Pluto in Aquarius

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This is from 2015.  You can't say I'm behind the times, lol!  I am right about my new stuff too... and I don't say that to gloat. I am truly trying to help.

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Last night my husband was watching Moonshiners. He’s not really a fan, just passively seeing what these goods are doing (for the record, we don’t care if they’re skirting the law. Reality shows are…I don’t care for them). Anyway, whatever channel it’s on, it will have its advertising targeted towards its audience, as they all do. I don’t remember the product, but as I watched the “actors”, I realized that the ad seemed different from the usual stuff we see. The “actors” moved like people, etc, but they looked like very good versions of GCI. 

So, you don’t know what’s real or not. I don’t watch a lot of tv myself, so that takes that medium out. But I am online a lot. It’s easy to skip over ads but images online…it’s the era of no trust. I think of my granddaughters, who are limited to movies and shows their parents select. But the day will come and they won’t know real vs fake and it will be more normal than it is. We, as people who didn’t grow up with internet, can be shocked at the fakery. Or disgusted. Or pissed off. Or turned off. But these kids…it’s heartbreaking. 

So taking our granddaughter to the antique store is one of those things that can help root the whole “touching grass” thing even more.

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We're to a point, a person may want to start informing their kids. But a lot of them not only know, but know better than their parents.

The talk in their games... and it's not PC.

Hades Moon
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Wow, very prophetic 🤩

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Hades Moon
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….concepts in this thread. An interesting read.

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Is anyone else on transit watch today? I keep clicking to check the degrees!

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@sophiab definitely am, too. Yesterday also was such an experience.

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@buendia Yesterday the energy was so weird, I put it down to the Sun/Pluto, Moon/Uranus conjunction. Today is better, but it's like a cliffhanger lol.

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Oh lord my anxiety is getting worse lol reading all of this it’s going to my 5th house and all I can do is worry about my kids !!! I need my boat @elsa lol

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