
Pluto in Aquarius
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Pluto in Aquarius

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Pluto will slay the dogmatic shadow side of Aquarius that has prevailed ...

only to birth the authenticity of the light.

In other words, the transformation of the 5th/11th house axis.

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What you mention about the Taurus-Aquarius square is interesting, but I think of it in terms of what the physical consequences would be. Aquarius is all about ideals--sure, it would be cool to live on another planet. Very futuristic. But is the human body designed for such a thing, or will our health suffer? Not to mention the changes that would have to be made in agriculture. Can our technology get to the point where it makes up for the effects of removing us from our natural environment?

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The American Revolution (1775-1783) Pluto leaves Capricorn for Aquarius in 1778

July 4th, 1776 was a turning point for every person on Earth. The ideal was freedom, happiness, prosperity, self-rule, the likes of which hadn't been successful anywhere in the world before, as far as we know. There were differences of opinion, but ultimately 53 men all signed an imperfect, yet innovative document that proved to be more binding than most had expected--yet some had indeed feared the inflexibility of the decrees could be a fledgling country's downfall. 

A common goal has persisted throughout the existence of the United States--liberty. Liberty of thought, of religion, of choice. 

We all want this, sincerely, I believe, but as a nation we've struggled with our collective satisfaction. 

Some would say we need to recognize the freedom inherent in us as human beings. A freedom wholly separate from having everything we want, but the freedom to exist, to exalt the humanity of own selves and that of others--to act in such a way that we treat humanity, whether in own person or in the person of any other, never merely as a means, but always at the same time as an end-Kant.

I don't know the answers for our collective futures or where the chips will fall. At this time, it's hard to ignore the writing on the wall and not draw similarities to what was a time of complete upheaval in our socio-collective histories, a time of starting completely anew, a time of great risk, loss, and ultimately exponential progress in many ways.

I found this article interesting:

It's a list of the ages of the leaders of the American Revolution. The division between people of different age groups has been startling in the new millennium. The internet has thrown us all together, whereas before the were formal separations based on age and milestones undertaken.

Now, at the end of Pluto in Capricorn, it seems our collective values regarding authority and tradition have shifted, and deference to the wisdom of age has been replaced by the demand for a position based on strength of ideas, tenacity, and verve rather than experience. 

A quick glance of the list contained in the link reveals a little more than two thirds of participants in the American Revolution were aged fifty or younger, with the average age falling around forty years old. Regardless of any preference of mine, based on our collective heritage, my bet is that in the next few years, younger people will be the driving force behind what has already proven to be significant change on rapidly approaching horizons. 

This might already be clear to some, yet the fight continues.

This shift hasn't been comfortable, particularly in regards to our personal and other social relationships, but I wonder if it's been necessary to wrest our autonomy, no matter the cost, out of the hands of stale obligation so that we find and are faced, once again, with choice--with liberty. 

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I'm not a fan of the idea! Lol I'm pretty fond of Earth myself, but my preference doesn't have any bearing on the likeliness of a potential. And I'm not sure if any of these are even likely, but they popped into my head at the thought of space expansion. 

I'm of the opinion that we should deal with what we got going on here, but our need for resources could, ultimately, outweigh our patience with ourselves.

But your questions are good ones! I think if humanity was able to colonize an extra terrestrial body for prolonged or indefinite times, our health would certainly suffer for a time. It would take a commitment of several generations, and probably result in shortened life span and weakened health for all, for a while. But. At a certain point, (in theory) we would adapt to our environment. Our physical natures would shift, our needs would change. At that point, hopefully our technology will be able to align with our nature, though it could simply adapt alongside us.

This is only an idea, of course, that would probably repulse most, but I do think there are some who would make this commitment, in the name of science, or knowledge, or experience, or whatever (I wouldn't!)

Very interesting approach to Taurus/Aquarius, cosmicbeast!!

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This shift hasn’t been comfortable, particularly in regards to our personal and other social relationships, but I wonder if it’s been necessary to wrest our autonomy, no matter the cost, out of the hands of stale obligation so that we find and are faced, once again, with choice–with liberty. 

I hope so. Beautiful writing, by the way ?

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I feel like a lot of what you said related more to Pluto in Capricorn than Aquarius. Being toward the end of the sign of Capricorn, everything you are concerned about makes sense now, and I think old people are questioning now, where do I fit in within the collective? 

Aquarius has to do with technology and “future” but it also has to do with “going off the grid.” What I mean by this is I can see an Aquarius being at the front end of technological advances, but I can also see an Aquarius living off the land without electricity. In fact, I know an Aquarius man who did that with his family that had six children. He built his own home, but they had to live in a barn he made first (I’m 36, and I was friends with his daughter). 

Even though Aquarius squares Scorpio, I think of them playing nice (better than Leo and Scorpio). Both want to be authentic, and need space (Scorpio calls it privacy) to be themselves. Uranus is exalted in Scorpio. I can’t say for sure what Pluto in Aquarius will look like, but I can guess. 

Aquarius is all about groups, or your tribe. Add in some Pluto flavor and you’ve got “I need my people to survive” and “I need to be free to survive.” Pluto is about control and Aquarius about youth. I think “youth” maybe literally or just the attitude that is supportive of youth will have control and power. Technology as we use it and understand it might be “blasé” and with Pluto deconstructing it we might move on to something else. What? It wouldn’t be Uranus rules Aquarius if we could guess. Both Uranus and Pluto can represent trauma, so their might be some of that. Which matters more? The group or the individual? That’s what Aquarius considers a lot, and traumatic events might help us learn about this idea. Also, Aquarius is all about the mind. There will be a lot of thinking and communicating. Social justice and crossing taboo social lines could be embraced (friendships with people very different from you). Here is an interesting twist. Aquarius is all about platonic friendships, or relationships that are casual. I’m curious how our view of sex, being a Pluto experience, might change during its time in Aquarius.

I have an Aquarius moon, and my mom is an Aquarius. I’m a tad nervous about my Pluto Moon transit that will come up.     

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