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Pluto Transiting the 6th house………trying peptides, for better health.

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I started a round of peptides a couple of weeks ago, for depression. I have been on meds, for years. I hate the side effects of anti-depressants. I think it is interesting, that Pluto is starting to transit my 6th house. House of health and daily living.  
You can take peptides for all kinds of health issues. Wondering if peptides are the wave of the future?





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I've had several clients mention them. I have not looked into though.

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@turtle I have Saturn transiting my 6th. So far I had skin issues, and now digestive. I'm sure there will be other health things during the transit. My Moon is in 6th, Pisces but I've had the conjunction earlier this year.

Recently I'm getting into 'tissanes' which is basically herbal tea but when you steep dried herbs. I'm focusing on detox beneficial herbs to encourage circulation of the system because everything feels sluggish. So dandelion, burdock, stinging nettle. I started off using strawberry leaf and then I tried others. I also have camomile. I'm thinking to start mixing them together, like camomile and lavender. If anyone on the forum is into herbs please suggest others to try! 

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@sohiab I had Saturn in my 6th house, last year. I cleaned up my diet/gut, lost some weight and improved an auto immune skin condition. Now with Pluto in my sixth, I feel like I have to go deeper, for health. I am in my 60’s, there are so many things to try and stay on top of of.🥴

I go to a functional medicine chiropractor, she prescribes herbs, through kinesiology. I also do accupuncture and he prescribes herbs. I don’t choose the herbs myself. If you are choosing herbs on your own, good for you! A lot cheaper.

I hope you get some relief soon, for your health issues!


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@turtle Thank you turtle. It sounds like you are learning so much about more holistic treatments with your 6th house transits. It does seem to encourage purification of the body mind spirit. I've been moving more towards whole foods in last few years. Would love to cut out sugar but struggling with that. Trying to find balance, lots of trial and error. And yes, I use spiritual guidance to treat ailments, asking what to take from the nature and experimenting.

Hades Moon
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I have not tried peptides but they do sound interesting. I’d be very interested to hear how you are finding them Turtle, in about 4 weeks time.

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On top of more serious health issues, my skin and digestive system have been playing up as well.

ATM , I’m approaching the digestive probs through increasing my good gut bacteria eg yoghurt . My gut has not recovered from strong antibiotics taken over 2 months ago. Antibiotics can save your life but my gawd they destroy our good gut bacteria.

My skin probs are due to high dose hormone pills controlling daily bleeding. I am 51 and nowhere near menopause (dammit)!. 

It’s unfortunate that our meds can treat one thing but can play havoc with something else.

Anyway, will look into these peptides more and see whether any could assist me.

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Transit Pluto conjunct sun in 12th , opposite 6th house of health.

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@hades-moon I'm thinking the digestive issues are also a marker of the Saturn and Neptune transit, because it's Virgo that rules the digestive system and Virgo is being opposed and impacted by these strong Pisces energies atm. We're all susceptible atm and if you have Virgo placements even more so.

And yes, also a transit by Pluto in 6th or opposing 6th is a Virgo relates transit too. 

Good point about antibiotics too. I reluctantly had to take a course in Feb/Mar for a tooth infection. I took probiotics but no doubt it had impact. 


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@sophiab I’m glad you took the probiotics; it certainly would have helped. I will never take antibiotics again without them.

You’re right about the Virgo/mercury (digestive) influence. Transit Pluto’s on top of my Mercury as well!.

I am a 2 degree Pisces rising so yes, transiting Saturn in the first house, squaring my natal mars in the 10th, wouldn’t be helping. Feeling quite fatigued and achey as well (😄 I am sounding old).

I think when Saturn moves out of my first house, I’ll feel emotionally lighter, and my health will improve also.

In the meantime, I’m just focusing on putting the right foods into my body, drinking plenty of water and going for walks whenever I can. I use to exercise on my treadmill but I now find walking out in the fresh air with nature, so much more beneficial (mind, body & spirit).

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@hades-moon I was thinking, because Aries traditionally rules the 1st house, that Saturn transit first house is a Mars, Saturn transit (underlying) and then if Saturn is also squaring natal Mars then...

Is your natal Mars in Sag or Gem? 

Hades Moon
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@sophiab Wow, that is like a double-whammy (mars-saturn). My natal mars is in Sag, in opposition to my natal Saturn 🙃.

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@hades-moon if your Mars is in 10th house (Trad. Capricorn house), then you've got the full set.

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