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Predicting Death through Astrology

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I think doom and gloom Astrologers are unethical and they subscribe to the old ways of interpreting Astrology.  Think Nostradamus.  In hindsight, you can look back at his predictions and mold them any way you want, but his dark predictions gave no hope to humanity and really, we're still here, aren't we?

Death is unpredictable in a chart because a transit can come out in a number of ways.  As an example, I have t. Pluto square my Mars Libra in the 1st house.  It's within 3 degrees now and I am just infused with positive energy working towards my goal of transforming my life towards my goal of retirement.  I have never felt so dedicated to my own cause in my life.  How much energy is left for the negative?  Nothing.

Soup, turn off the negative and you'll see the tremendous potential of being infused with Pluto power.  Its a rebirth.  You have lots of Scorpio.  Control the power and don't be afraid to get obsessed by positive things.  Turn off the negative about Astrology and don't listen to those that preach death and destruction.  They do it because it gives them power over people, I think.  They want you to think they have a secret knowledge, but they're full of baloney and misusing their knowledge.

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I read Scorpio is hard to kill, so... I wouldn't worry about it.

Also, I think you could probably point to some things in hindsight, but I think it's highly irresponsible to to tell someone they are going to die because you really don't know! You are not God.

On another note, I will be having a Pluto opp. Sun transit and a Pluto opp. Moon transit when my parents are in their mid 70s or 80s, so if they die around then, they're old! It's a possibility for old people. It's possible they will die, or they might just keep living. I really don't know. That transit might pass, and they might live until they're past 90.

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How does one deal with a hard Pluto transit? To me, is like asking 'How does one deal with an oncoming bus?"

I don't think there's a 'perfect' way to deal with a bus coming straight for you.

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Scribe said
Anonymoushermit, I try to clear the decks for action (or inaction as sometimes Pluto puts a decided end to an activity).  If I am expecting trouble I try to ascertain what I can do to be ready. In some Pluto situations having the equivalent of emergency provisions or allies is helpful.  But sometimes Pluto has abruptly pruned away support systems.   

Oh yes, a person should always at least be somewhat prepared, ducks in a row, and all.

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I don't think you can tell. My uncle killed himself at his Chiron Return, a friend died unexpectedly at her Chiron Return, another friend died at her Saturn Return, my maternal Grandfather died with Mars opposite Venus, two classmates died when we were 40 years old and Jupiter was conjunct our Neptune. Pick one! Smile

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Scribe said
An elderly friend was in the hospital dying. An eclipse on his Sun coincided with a bigger stroke and he went rapidly downhill, uh, the direction he was headed.  This is only one case.  One astrologer I knew would never go to a location to watch an eclipse as she feared difficulties from being in an eclipse zone.  I haven't done any professional studies so I can't comment further. I think I have experienced deep change in the house where an eclipse hit.

On Pluto transits: I use the Pluto energy to clean up something that needs it. Since it is connected with other planetary patterns there are outlets for the reform and transformation. When I have a Saturn transit I do what I can to repair or improve the activities of that house. 

A Vedic astrologer predicted I was likely to die and it was three years ago that I was supposed to head off to the afterlife. 

Jilly, hope you are recovered from the accident.  

That's what I do with Pluto and Saturn transits.  I have t. Pluto in my 4th house now and all I do is throw things out and clean things up in the house.  I have a lifetime of stuff to get rid of and not only my own stuff.  My husband's stuff too.  I get such pleasure from getting rid of things.

When I had t. Saturn in Scorpio conjunct my natal Venus and square my natal Pluto in Leo, right after my Saturn return, two of my good friends passed away.  They were just 50 and 60 years old and not sick.  It was a very difficult time when I prayed a lot and reflected on the hard realities of life.  That time really humbled me.

Someone here once said that Saturn always leaves a gift (after it kicks your a$$).  That is true.  My gift was a visit from my dead friend one morning.  He had no body, but filled my room with sunshine and an absolutely blissful feeling like nothing I ever felt before.  He wanted me to be happy for him.  I'll never forget that moment in my life.  I think I had a little taste of Heaven, through him.   

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