
Predicting Death th...
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Predicting Death through Astrology

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Just heard from a gal; an astrologer told her that her husband was going to go downhill and die in 2027. I could smack the shit out of people who do this.

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Update - my husband is 13 years beyond his death date.


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This is an oldie. Wow. So grateful for all those people who talked to me about what I was watching and reading. I would never pay attention to predictive things like that today. I was scared though, and I remember why. I had a big breast surgery that was equal to a mastectomy as they had to do a capsulectomy. It was brutal. And during that time, they did a C-scan on my lungs and found a spot. One they claimed they had to watch every 3 months. Very frightening. I didn't talk about the lung issue at the time. But it was the reason I finally sold my building and started working parttime from home. I was raising my grands at the time, mostly the oldest and she was only 9. So, I was very worried. 

Fast forward 7 years and I don't even live there anymore. Moved 4 years ago. Nothing is the same. I am in the squares right now and while this Venus sq Pluto has me looking like I need a makeover; our lives have never been easier. I could have never predicted any of this. If asked I would have said I would NEVER move away from my home. Today I know I no longer belong there. 

My teenage unruly parents have been deceased for 2 years and I miss them terribly. Each were old but passed unexpectedly at least to me. My kids were walking all over me back then and put enormous responsibility on me. Today, they couldn't be more protective and grounded. 

Give it 5 years. Not one aspect of your life will look the same and you will still be alive. 

I know all the kids are going to be fine. If they came to me today and said it's time to go... I would say, well let's get on with it then. No fear at all. I am ready whenever the time comes. Come to find out the hardest thing is outliving everyone around you. 

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@soup that was a freakish period for you... and then your son with the mower. I think of that,  frequently.

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I just ran across this picture in a memory thingy. He nearly cut off his foot. I get a call at work. The blade went through my shoe. I am bleeding. As calm as possible I said take your shirt off NOW and tie your leg off immediately. Call 911. Then call me back. He did. I was on the phone with him until the paramedics were all over him and told me where they were taking him. Then I saw the foot. I had to keep a straight face and act like everything was fine. I left the room and slid down a wall.... That period of time truly gave me PTSD. 

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@soup Oh God.

I was driving, thinking about this, with my both my hands and feet, tingling.

Mars Mercury, see? Makes me heave.

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@elsa This has been a typical day in my life since Pluto entered Capricorn. When people ask, 'was it that bad'? Yes, it was that bad. 

This son with the foot injury had to have extensive surgery because there are so many small bones in the foot. Since it healed, he has never walked with a limp.... but later broke his back, and he is the son whose wife died. The daughter in law that died sitting on the sofa, his wife. 

I couldn't make believe write these stories. Really horrible things. 

That's why I say it might be harder being the survivor sometimes. I used to worry about illness and such when Pluto was in my 6th house. Pluto will soon be parked in my 8th and I am afraid I am going to have to endure outliving a lot of people. People I love. Already lost three right out of the gate with the other daughter in law on heart medication and sick.... 

Not good. 

To add: If you saw these people, you would never suspect they had a problem. These are attractive and in what appears to be good physical condition height to weight and such.... all worked. Clean cut people. You never know what kind of problem a family is having. You cannot judge a book by the cover. They have all suffered. 

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@soup I have natal Pluto in the 8th.  What I notice is the extremes.  For example, I was inundated with death until I was about 25 years old and then nothing...

I blogged about this, back in the day.  Like 2002-ish. It had been like, 20 years since anyone I knew, died... this included, once removed.   Like my husband's mother something. NO DEATHS.

I wrote back then, I dealt with death poorly, when I was young... and I'd had this very long reprieve?

I predicted when it came back around, it would be a flood - this has proven to be the case. But I do death with death, a lot better now. I credit my husband with this. 

It's a good thing, as I don't see the loss of life, slowing, in my world, anytime soon.  And diminished capacity situations are very prevalent as well.

I mean, if a person in my life isn't compromised, personally, they're taking care of someone who is!

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@elsa if a person in my life isn't compromised, personally, they're taking care of someone who is!

I am sorry to see this. But I fully feel it and understand it. 

While I feel I understand the 8th house and I am able to navigate it easier than the others and while nothing really shocks me anymore it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt deeply and leave a gaping wound. My insides look like his foot! You heard me cry. I think of how it must have sounded. Like a wild wounded animal. And you listened to it for hours. Good news is, I released it during that call. Not finished grieving it altogether as we always miss the people we love but to have someone allow you to really cry, let it out. 

Can't put a price tag on something like that. I will never forget that you gave me that grace. 

Death is all around me. I wait for the next one to go. The question is, is it easier to be the person dying because watching it happen to everyone around you is excruciating. 

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@soup ((((soup))))

After this last funeral - I think it's hardest on those left behind, assuming there is love there. I mean, the person who died is released from this. We have to go on without them and depending on who and how, it can be nearly impossible.

Case in point, Scott's sister died in her 20's.  No one in her family recovered... even decades later.  She was larger than life (Sexy Gal in my book). I've never met anyone like her in my life, since. There is no one else like her.  Whip smart, beautiful, caring and sharp.

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@elsa I cannot make this up Elsa. Just as I finished typing that my son called. My ex-mother-in-law the Capricorn just died. The one I actually loved. My kids just lost another grandparent, and they are heartbroken. 

Another death, just now. This no longer shocks me; I just wait for the phone to ping or ring. It's excruciatingly painful. 

I can't believe we were talking about this, and this is happening as we were. 

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@soup I’m so sorry (((soup))).

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@allie120 ❤️ 😥 my poor family. God. Can you believe we were just speaking on this, and this happens as we are? Unfortunately, I can. One after the next. It just keeps happening. I feel so bad for Cap suns right now. What is coming back to get them? I wish them all safety until Pluto moves out. Like one last sweep... here comes Pluto.

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@soup 🙏

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@soup oh jeez. I'm sorry 😞

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@elsa I just told my husband .... look at what I am talking about when we get yet another death call. He just stares. He seriously doesn't know what to make of it .... then one day he was teasing me and said.... everyone you know is either dead or dying. Maybe we should separate... and then he laughed like a hyena. Joking back, I said..... I probably wouldn't be laughing if I were you!

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@elsa Powerful!

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@soup omg

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@soup I’m sorry!

Also, this reminds me of the story my sister-in-law tells of the time she was driving home from work (she was a nurse then, now an anesthesia nurse) and came upon a man in the street (rural area) looking completely out of it, bleeding. She had to pull over and attend to him and found out he’d been attacked by one of his pigs 😭. He ended up living but she said it was a horror show but she just went into her emergency mode.

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@allie120 Something happens and that part of you that knows in your soul this is a real emergency and you have no time to act like an emotional lunatic. If I had, he would have bled to death. I just said... TIE IT OFF NOW... call 911 and then call me back and stay on the phone with me. I had no way to get to him in time, but I knew paramedics could. And they did. 

Being on the other end of the phone while your boy is shallow breathing, and you know he is losing blood rapidly... there is little that compares to going through that - for both of us. I had to hope I was not listening to his last breath and just kept talking. They are almost there buddy, you will have help in a minute. Hold tight on that leg tie... he lost a lot of blood. 

 Maybe it's good he has a plutonian mother. I find a way for us to get through it somehow.  

To this day I wonder what made him call me first as opposed to 911...but then again, I think he needed immediate backup. He nearly severed his foot with a lawn mower blade. 

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@soup horror.

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@elsa You've got a mind like a steel trap. I can't believe you remember that from all those years ago. It was horror. I can still hear that siren in the background when I knew help had arrived... and I said, we made it buddy, just hang on for another minute and I will be right there. 

My Libra son. 

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@soup See, I don't think I could have handled that. I hope my son has the sense to call his Aries gf!  The blood is the problem. Not good with blood, especially, the idea of it leaving my son's body. This was peak of your depth, from my personal psyche.

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@elsa the alternative was trying to imagine a life without him. And I could hear it during the moments it was happening, in his breathing... his words starting to close to losing a child as I ever want to get but then, since we lost his wife.... and here we are. 

I knew after it all happened and what has happened since that I was meant to be his mother, he, my son. 

There is no doubt in my mind you would come through for him. You did for me. 

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@soup Oh God, you're killing me.

Seriously, I have a visceral reaction to this.

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@elsa You have been through so much. Beyond just trying to navigate people the physical pain that has followed. I still play the conversation you had with someone in my head.... it wasn't that long ago. You said you were holding on to counters to walk around the kitchen to try to cook. I could hardly stand to read it. I often wonder when people come here and come for you if they actually read what you have written. Because while it is a success story that you are here to tell what happened, going through some of it was downright horrifying. So, an attack seems like a cruelty that just doesn't make sense. What we share here are truths and feel we are protected and can. For someone to come for you when they are given this kind of honesty is mind-blowing to me. 

You have that reaction because you have been through things as bad and understand how hard it is to recover from the worst circumstances. And it's why I called you. Do you think anyone in my family could have listened to me (who is supposed to be the matriarch) let out the sounds of a wounded animal stayed in it for hours with me? There are few people who can get down in a dark place with you and guide you to the light. Nearly, NO ONE. 

I will never forget it. 

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@soup I couldn't lift a dinner plate!

Right before that accident, one of my clients got dreamed. I wrote to her for countless hours. It had to be done, I spent Christmas doing this and then got hit Jan 6, and continued to write and write and write.

We both made it. She had no idea I was in pain.

I am a tough son of a bitch. And a good friend. But blood?

I have thought about this. If we get in a war and I turn my house into a hospital,  which I will do, I will find a way to transcend my reaction to the sight or even thought of pain and blood. Anything short of that, I'm good with avoidance,.

I think I had to sit and type to that client,  into March.  It never occurred to me to do anything less than whatever it took.

I would up with a shitty settlement,  because I could not show loss of income. Classic lowly Capricorn.  

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@elsa You are a good friend. And I remember when you couldn't lift a dinner plate. It was horrible. 

If it comes down to the unthinkable, and it very well could, I know you will open your doors to people in need. 

If Virgo isn't helping, fixing, feeding, creating, doing, giving, loving people... I don't think they could stay alive. 

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@soup ❤️

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@allie120 The things will live through. I know you have too. So much. I wonder if people know how strong you are?

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@soup I was thinking a lot about this. Thank you so much. I think that I’ve been heavily supported depending on the situation. But there’s also doing what you have to do because other choices don’t enter your mind enough to push out what you value as THE CHOICE.

And I think about my husband who was running on adrenaline and survival mode taking care of business to stay the bleeding and get to a road while on the phone with 911. Exactly like you did with your son.

Maybe it’s a survival mode that you don’t analyze it leisurely in the moment. Not til later when you can breathe do you just…omg…what just happened…

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@allie120 your husband, he just did what he had to by instinct without thinking he did what had to be done so he could live. When a person is bleeding there is little time. You just go autopilot out of love of life... and the people in it. 

You too have had to survive. I watched it first-hand. Afraid, you just did it. And here you are celebrating anniversaries and grandkids and him. I know you were afraid, but you made that secondary to the task... you were stronger than the things. 

So often here we all spill our fears and hurts and tell of the things that happened to us, but we don't talk enough about the things we have survived which is huge. Incredible really... to have survived some of the things we have all had to face. Some of us as children, some as adults with illness and loss. There are some brave people here. I am better for reading the stories of how they made it..... 

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@soup You’re so right. We do live in our moments of fear, self-doubt, frustration, sadness. And it’s good to have a safe place to go for help, to vent, for perspective.

Thank you so much for this reminder. We are all so rich in stories and experiences.

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@soup I remember that. Thank God you were able to zero in, focus, and do what needed to be done.

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@allie120 now his daughter has no mother so I have had to step in.  She just texted me. We stay close. I will care for my Sagittarius girly for the rest of my life... 

Screenshot 20240906 183018 Messages

Her life is forever changed. Son too. 

They call me YaYa. The best name I have ever been called. 😊 

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@soup That’s priceless. Thank God they have you and you there always.

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@allie120 ❤️

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