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Progressed Ascendant in Taurus

Posts: 21
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Joined: 15 years ago

Hello All!

I'm curious to know what were your experiences when your progressed ascendant moved into Taurus? I'm currently at the 0°15’ mark, so I haven't experienced much of it yet.

Thanks! 😍 

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When i moved, cross country, I went from p ♈ to p ♉.  Honestly,  I don't like it. I feel solid, while inside, I'm whirring, all day, ever day. I love ♉.  I married one. But I think it's the wrong wrapper for me.  Things worsened, when p Venus left Libra for Scorpio. 

Note, this is personal to me. You may love it. But it's been nearly 10 years, and... no.

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Posts: 21

@elsa Awww, I’m sorry to hear that! When my progressed ascendant went into Aries in 2007, holy moly, it was a struggle from day one, I went through a lot of what you're going through now. Now, I feel more earthier, and stability has become a big issue all ready. Also, I’m developing a weird fascination with food…like I’m looking at it in a very different way, a few childhood food insecurities are coming up again. 

So weird, I’ve been thinking about moving cross country as well! 

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