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Progressed Moon In Leo

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Progressed Moon in Leo

When your Moon moves into Leo in your PROGRESSED Chart, it will bring an unconscious need to be admired and appreciated--and a conscious need for romance and affection. Your need to love and be loved is a healthy emotional drive which motivates you to continued self awareness and self-improvement efforts. You may occasionally have secret doubts about your own self worth, often interspersed with feelings of invincible superiority. It is the latter side that you are likely to show the public in order to protect your emotional vulnerability. You will be extremely romantic and sexual during this cycle, and intimate relationships are essential to your feeling of well-being. You can be extremely loving and self-sacrificing in romantic relationships, but heaven help the partner who should fail to show appreciation. If a relationship should become stale and routine, you are likely to seek a new conquest. Bright colors will appeal to you, as will sunshiny days. You like to feel bright, enthusiastic and up-beat. When you have a down day, you will hide away and "lick your wounds" in secret. You must avoid alcohol and other drugs to elevate your mood--they could prove to be too effective, with the risk of addiction.
Leadership roles come easy to you, and you do make a good boss. You may change jobs often, for the grass will always look a little greener on the other side of the fence. You are a sucker for flattery and a little praise will make your day. You will want your home to be a show place, and you want your family to be at their best. You do need to watch for tendencies toward inconsistency and stubbornness.

Interpretation from Progressed Chart Report

Is your progressed Moon in the Leo? What's it like?

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Posts: 13
Active Member
Joined: 12 years ago

My moon in my Solar Return chart this year is in Scorpio but in my progressed chart it's in Leo in the 12th house. Let's just say that they both jive to a T right now with describing me.

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