
Progressed Venus Re...
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Progressed Venus Retrograde Question

Posts: 21
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Joined: 15 years ago

Hello All,

I have a question, my Progressed Venus, being Retrograde will be moving signs early next Spring. That being said, oddly, it will be moving from Cancer to Gemini...and starting at 29 degrees, its quite odd...?!

Has this happened for anyone else?


4 Replies
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I don't have Venus rx but I think the reentry to Gemini might bring people you have known before back into your life. Just because Gemini is such a social sign. 

Posts: 21
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Joined: 15 years ago

That makes sense! Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about people from my past…💕

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In my experience, progressed Venus mostly plays out in relationships. Specifically, the context or arena of your relationships. Or maybe just "the way" you like to relate.

From Cancer to Gemini makes me think of going from relating predominately in the home or family environment, to a more electronic medium like text or online. Or perhaps you may go back to school at some point and meet people there. Or maybe you just become less sentimental and more curious in relationships.

It's not a primary character change, like a Sun or Ascendant progression. It's more like "the source" of your relationships, which obviously is still very important.

Posts: 21
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Joined: 15 years ago

Thank you, Draco!

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