
Saturn conjunct Ura...
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Saturn conjunct Uranus transit

Posts: 8
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pepe said

I was recently reading an interesting article on overcoming this Saturn conjunction to my natal Uranus calling for detachment and giving it to God so that part makes sense. I'm Virgo so it's hard for me to not hang up on details. It's just terrifying at teams to see yourself possibly losing your physical capabilities; its makes it hard to give it to the universe. You prove a great point. I guess I'm trying to figure out to unpredictability. Thank you for your insight Smile  

You know what. Maybe that's it. Maybe that's the answer. I am not in this alone (Jupiter in Libra) and I do not have to figure it out by myself. Maybe, just maybe, whatever higher power I believe in has it covered and has the answer. That certainly feels better than I need to come up with the answer and the way out myself. I have the invisible backup and brilliance.

Posts: 81
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Joined: 10 years ago

pepe the usual reason for quoting all the replies, doesn't apply at Elsaelsa: once anyone posts, after, that post is non-changeable.

*just saying, because*

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