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Seeking input on Transiting Saturn in Pisces major aspects

Posts: 5
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Hi all,  Saturn in Pisces is making a trine to my natal Neptune which feels okay and then it is opposing my Pluto for the next few months. I've posted my chart and am interest in some input about these two aspects could work at the same time? Saturn trine Neptune feels monastic and spiritual whereas Saturn opp Pluto seems about power issues and struggle. Then of course Saturn squares my sun! Some tough transits though the harshness is softened by Neptune trine. Thoughts?

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4 Replies
Posts: 97
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Joined: 13 years ago

Hi Australia,  Your transits look to me like a blustery day and not a tornado. You live with natal Saturn sextile your moon so the square may just mean extra responsibilities for a short while.  With your Sun in the 8th maybe helping out a friend in need (transiting Saturn in 11).  I notice that Uranus is finishing up its square to your moon, that can be a little feisty. 
unless your progressions or solar arcs are intense (if you look at them) it’ll be fine.

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Thanks Myrna, I appreciate the idea of a blustery day rather than a tornado! Yeah I have been helping out a couple of friends who have hit different kinds of rough patches. Had forgotten about Uranus square moon nearly over, Feisty sure. I used it to stand up for myself and push back in a firm controlled way a couple of times. I am no one's whimpy door mat that's for sure. Lol. Some extra responsibilities at work in the next month or two, nothing I can't handle, just tedious tho! I'll go and check my progressions. Thanks again for your insights, it helps to have some  perspective

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Glad you found it something to ponder.   You are just a few years younger than me and at our age we’ve lived through a lot and can better navigate what’s on our path.

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I am also having Saturn square my Sun and I personally am loving it. It's been extremely difficult sometimes but there's just so much energy you can use to fortify yourself.

I was tiny when I had Saturn opposite my natal Pluto. Saturn conjoined my Pluto when I was about to turn 18, which is the age of legal adulthood in the US. I felt Saturnine responsibility and time pressure at a Plutonic weight. I imagine you will feel something similar, coming from outside of you.

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