
The drama of the Aq...
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The drama of the Aquarian

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Are Aquarians dramatic and, if so, how does their tendency towards the dramatic show itself?

Aquarius is in polarity to Leo. Leo's often have a 'soap opera' going on. It's very compulsive viewing and you may end up with a starring role. But what about Aquarians? How and where does their drama manifest and what does it look like? 

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Here's an example. Not an Aquarian by the 'lights' but via outer/unconscious planets. 

Screenshot 20221120 093228
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The drama with Aquarian/Uranian types is linked to the mythology of Saturn and Uranus. After being castrated by Saturn there is cerebral outcast quality to Uranian energy that is seeking healing and integration back into the heart and embodiment.

Put Chiron in Greta's chart and you will see her issue with Saturn.

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@don Very helpful, thank you.

Suggestion is the drama is predominantly mental in nature, and based on varying levels of disembodiment - which could result in an element of unreality, distorted perception. 



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With Chiron for those who are following Smile

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I always hate drama if it relates to things I don’t care about. 

But maybe we can be viewed as dramatic when we think others are being exceedingly emotional. 

This is a good topic. There have only been a few times in my life where I say, OH…yeah, this is an Aqua thing. More so in the last few years. And I’m an Aquarius.

I’ll come back later to ponder…

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@allie120 My sense is that when Aquarians are being dramatic we might not recognise it as such.. it might not come across as typical drama in the soap opera sense, and is thus harder to spot. Like you say, perhaps an excessive amount of detachment or dissociation in certain situations might be considered "drama" in the form of "anti-drama"!



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@sophiab I think you’re right.

Are you Aquarius? I can’t remember.

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@allie120 I'm a Taurus.

I'm trying to understand Aquarius energy due to its significance in this period, also with the Pluto transit ahead.

It seems easy to poke fun at Leo's as drama queens but I can't see how Aquarius can avoid similar dynamics if they are in polarity. 


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@sophiab Good topic. And forward-thinking. 

There’s always that part about them wanting to be different. Leo always looks to shine themselves and others. Aquarius can be contrarian just to stand out against what’s mainstream popular.

It’s like the other thread about children with Aquarius, trying to stand out, stand apart by not being like everyone else. It’s a form of drama, even if Aquarius doesn’t want all the attention. Aquarius might want to do/wear/eat/be something completely different while the group says, 🙄 could you just go along with us on this thing?

The Aquarius wants to do their thing for their reason and, being Fixed, it’s really going to irritate them. Maybe not with tantrums but still. That’s dramatic.

So scaling this up on a big scale, in the sky, it’s going to ruffle some feathers. That’s not always bad but it’s different. 

I wonder when the last time there was so much Aqua around?

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@allie120 This ties in with the whole identity theme of Leo-Aquarius. "I" and "them". The Aquarian doesn't want attention as an "I", but also wants to stand out from "them". The Leo wants "them" to recognise their "I", often to feel they exist, but remain special. The way we develop in groups, our constructed "I" is really a formation of "them" and if we want to be true to our soul, we must unwind all that, but also recognise we will always be connected to "them" and not fully reject the social network. So identity crises are part of the process and you see alot of that at the moment with Saturn in Aquarius, and also the Aquarius laden generations.

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@sophiab This is amazing. So insightful! Yes.

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@sophiab Love it. This totally speaks to my 11H Sun.

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Leo I think of spotlight drama. Aqua I think of chiaroscuro drama. It's more about contrast and a quality of light that is created by shadows, voids, pauses, which captures the cool essence of Aquarius in my mind.

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@cocopeaches hmm I can really feel your description based on my own experience of Aquarius... It's very hard to put into words but you captured it. I think this energy which comes across through a certain perspective comes from something being removed, as Don mentioned, the genitals (metaphorically).

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@cocopeaches Yes! Leo is a spotlight. On themselves but they can also shine it on others. I’ve felt that.

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@cocopeaches I agree re shadows, voids,  pauses. What a good way to put it in contrast to Leo. Aquarius energy is barely even there. It’s like a subtle, soft breeze. Most Aquarian’s I’ve hugged barely give a squeeze, have you noticed that? I always feel like I’m squeezing them too hard. I don’t know a whole lot of them for reference, just a few.

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A quick check and I see that the last major stellium in Aquarius was 1991-1994, the spread of years being due to Saturn in Aquarius. I’m going to have to do some more research to find the big, slow-moving planets. 

This is so very grunge. I loved grunge.

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@allie120 I remember this one, a common theme for me with this current transit and that last one is a movement towards and then away from intense isolation.

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@sophiab Interesting. All that would have squared your sun, at least. How did you fare? Was it voluntary or just circumstances?

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@allie120 Yes, Saturn is/was squaring my Sun. I think the isolation is an inherent aspect in my psyche and the Saturn transit of the 5th square Sun manifests it outwardly. As Saturn moves on I become reassimulated into the social but with internal structural changes which allow me each time to be more myself, with more integrity.

I have Lilith in Aquarius at 0*. If I communicate to people purely - in other words, making no adjustment for the other - I generally make no sense. My perception doesn't translate well, and tends to set off people's identity defenses, so I mute and adjust it to what is palatable. The lack of affinity has created a shame barrier that the Saturn isolation helps break down. I think to speak this language fully, I need to get really strong. 

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