
The Next Scare/Doom...
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The Next Scare/Doom Date(s) July 15-16, 2024

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july 16 2024 mars uranus

This is the next date, people are buzzing about. Predictions of nuclear war.

Again, Uranus is unpredictable.  But, yeah. If you have fixed planets near these degrees, it could be interesting.



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Lots more deep transformation in the collective.

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@sophiab I live in hope!

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We've got a grand Water trine with Saturn involved, two kites and an envelope. There are multiple genocides happening already. It's amazing how people in a comfy couch decide that this mundane arrangement of shapes is going to drop a nuke on their specific couch when many around the world are having the worst days of their lives. I suspect and admittedly hope this means those stirring the pot will have to lick the spoon. The Scorpio Moon-Taurus Uranus+Mars tension would mean the spoon lickers are going to pitch a horrendous fit and/or hold something hostage, and not everyone will agree with it.

I'm starting to realize that 1. people on the internet don't want each other to be happy 2. people just look at shapes, their brains fill in the blanks with their own negativity and they spread the panic.

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@katyusha Yep

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@soup I mean, seriously, imagine being threatened by a big juicy Grand Trine because there's a line through it. Now, if there were a Yod pointing at that Mars-Uranus clusterfuck I'd be scared! I've seen what my Yod can do!

BTW feel free to take the piss out of me here if I end up being wrong. But nukes are either going to come out or they're not, and I don't think a GT is going to light it. This chart may signify the beginning of greater international conflict though, or like I said, somebody might be in trouble for not stopping their conflict here.

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@katyusha No nukes. Fear sells. Nothing else is working. Gotta scare the masses to death. This is a nothing burger as they all usually are. Listen, people get old and die. All day, every day. People have the genetics to drop dead early in life, or they take risks, or they trash their health... point is we are all headed that way. This is not news. 

There is no money without fear. Fear of getting old... sell that face cream. Fear of this or that.... market the whatever to go with it. 

The conflict that is going on has been going on for centuries. I am not sure it will ever end. But no nukes. No one wants to nuke something of value. They want to have it, not nuke it. (it's all about resources!!!!!) (and in some cases, religion!)  

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Posted by: @rusalka

I'm starting to realize that 1. people on the internet don't want each other to be happy 2. people just look at shapes, their brains fill in the blanks with their own negativity and they spread the panic.

It's called 'the death drive'.

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@sophiab  Freud

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Yes, life v death drives. 

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@sophiab Thank you. That's what I thought. God, you are like a well of information. I love it. Props!!!!!

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@soup Hope you're enjoying Gemini season? What a pile up atm. How are your Gemini natives? Saturn is causing a bit of an undertow by square, but I'm trying to stay light, like a bird, rise higher.

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@sophiab My crazy crew are always giving me a jump scare then they are rolling laughing cos they don't take anything too serious for too long. They are holding their own 🤣 but you know how Gemini is... they are here and there and if it's gross here they go there 🤣 no sign busier than Gemini! Especially inside those heads. I am sure my Mars is directly connected to my head and then my mouth 🤣 Jupiter and Mercury conjunct my Mars right now woooohoooo..... I even have a song for it (I try to rise above it but... Scorpio 🤣)  




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@soup I'm guessing the Little Boy who Cried Wolf was probably a Gemini! I think it's easy to get bored when you have Gemini, there needs to be a lot of mental stimulation, but also sometimes there's a not knowing when the amount of mental stimulation is too much and then feeling strangely buzzing, ungrounded and a bit empty. But that might be my Earth or Water elements feeling unbalanced by too much air at times. In general, I'm finding Sun and Venus travelling together is creating a nice positive vibe amidst other vibes. They will both get challenged by Saturn over the weekend.

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@sophiab Sun and Venus neck and neck by a degree today.... that is nice in Gemini! ❤️ good news is that square won't last long. It will be over before we know it. I don't worry too much about the shorties.... it's the 200-year (I exaggerate 🤣) Pluto transit that's like a slow burning cold sore that erupts into a full-blown house on fire that I worry about because your guess is as good as mine what will happen. We can count the house... but beyond that who knows what's gonna happen.

My Pluto transits have never been what I thought they would be. I thought I was prepared for Pluto to square my Venus. HA whatever in the hot hell has been going on is beyond me. JC... painful, I look like trash, everyone has died... seriously never thought this many people would die, and I know for a fact, more to come. 3 more friends back home and I haven't mentioned it because I am tired of keeping track of tragedy. One, a suicide which has left me bewildered and stunned. When I finally believe it and I just can't right now, I am going down again. 

The song... I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain, somehow, I am still here to explain. 

Key people, that I love so deeply, dead. I cannot give a real poo about someone claiming the nuke is coming. Because for one.... it is not. No one is wasting resources. When you are fighting for land, oil and water you are not going to destroy it into Chernobyl. Where you cannot use it for 100 years. 

So, the air energy is so nice. Even for me who can go into the deepest darkest well before I come back to walk with the normal folk. 

I have watched both my kids and my grandee get over stimulated mentally. Youngest son the worst. He has a stellium. He is so freaking smart. But I have watched him be tormented and feel like he is about to have an anxiety attack... my little Gemini Virgo Virgo too. (his daughter) Hard to watch someone you love so much go through it. I have picked them all up when they were little and held on and said... come on now... breathe... just breathe... I got you... breathe. I have learned so much from Gemini. Oldest step sis, stepdad, raised half the time by a Gemini grandmother. God she was fun. You know what she did... a total Gemini thing... she had pen-pals haha back when that was a thing. She literally sat down and corresponded with people all over the world. Letters. These people from all over the world wrote to each other. And they became friends. She had friends everywhere. They taught each other about their different cultures and lives. It was so interesting watching her do it. Yep. It was called pen-pals. 

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@soup From what you write about what's happening in your network, it makes me think it's 11th house related. So to look at what is happening in 11th (Uranus transit?) and any aspects from/to 11th h. And to check natal Uranus too. Also check 11th h by progression. And when checking 11th h, also check any activity in 5th h and aspects to 5th (children).

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Oh dear, that's right on my 27 degree Taurus descendant and approaching my early degree Gemini stellium (Sun, Venus, NN, Chiron). I just went through a mediation with a coworker. I raised it to my boss's boss because I feel bullying from her and my boss. During the 1.5 hour "mediation", it was full on aggression from her, including being accused of thinking I am special, and support on her side from my boss. Talk about people not wanting others to be happy. This isn't over. This is also not what I expected from what I thought would be a lovely visit from Jupiter! (Although this could also be the approaching square to my 29 Libra Pluto).

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@tbb What's squAring your Pluto?

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@katyusha Pluto in Capricorn?

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@elsa @tbb Haha, blonde moment lol. The biggest thing going on in the sky. 

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