
The Scorpio Dead Zo...
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The Scorpio Dead Zone

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I was just telling a friend, in regards to her Scorpio husband, about my Scorpio Moon, husband...there is a dead zone and if you get it in, you'll be sorry. Anyone know what I'm taking about?

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I'm thinking you mean the dark side of Scorpio.  I'm a Scorpio Moon.  I refer to the dead zone as my own private Hell.  My husband has a Scorpio Moon too.  I've seen his dead zone and he's seen mine.  Aside from that, I keep that hidden from other people.  Its an ugly place.

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Well, if you're married..I am married to a Rhino. And you only wanna push one of them, so far!

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Not at all. Is this dead zone threatening because it is a fatal point of no return or because a person can traipse into it unawares? I don't have that Scorpio Moon but do have three planets in there.

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I just mean it if you push a Scorpio beyond a certain point (and I am like this myself), you'll not come away unscathed.

I don't mean that they intend to hurt you. Just that you will be hurt.

I also think most people who have a switch like this, try to let people know, but people rarely mind it.

I was talking to someone, smart, who knows her husband well.

It's like, mf'er, you have been burned before. You're getting close to the fire, I'd back off!

This is not to say the Scorpio doesn't suffer. I know they do. But I learned not to push my husband beyond a certain point...I think he's learned the same about me.  And I know people would like to think there are no trap doors or trip wires, but guess what? You're wrong, lol!

I almost regret writing this already.  "Walk on eggshells around Scorpio." Or it's threatening and I suppose nothing should ever be threatening.

But there is another side too. You just can't come at someone, relentlessly, when they are not ready or able to deal with you, and expect to have a good result, just because.

We need better boundaries in our relationships. Smart hands learned this with Saturn in Libra.  So really, all you have to do is call back what you learned, assuming you went to class, lol.

Really, I am just saying, there are times when if you pick a fight, you better really want one, because you're going to get one and once it's starts, you're not going to be able to stop it.

If you see a fuse that leads to a bomb, should you light it?

Ha ha.

Go ahead, but don't be surprised at the result.

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That makes perfect sense then. Some people walk right past all those well posted signs and then wonder what happened.

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