
The Scorpio Dead Zo...
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The Scorpio Dead Zone

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 Hit the nail on the head there, Elsa. I'm constantly amazed and annoyed by how little decorum people have when it comes to the personal business of others. I do subtly signal when people are getting too close but so many these days are tuned only to the frequency of what THEY want, and don't hear what you want.

I remember a few years ago coming across two different men, both neighbours in the area where I lived. I used to do my bright and breezy, 'hello, how are you, lovely day' thing and try and show an interest in them, as they both seemed quite bad tempered a lot of the time and I've been brought up to be 'nice' to people.

After a couple of rebuffs and feeling a bit hurt I sat down and thought about it. And it occurred to me that maybe they were just very private men who didn't want to have to engage with random people. And maybe my attitude, although well-meaning, was a little condescending and intrusive. So ok, they liked to keep themselves to themselves and actually I appreciated that. So do I! I decided to leave them be and just nod in future.

Next time I saw them both, I got a smile and a hello! Honestly, I feel that if you respect someone's boundaries they know you can be trusted and will be less defensive. In my own case it's definitely true. I'm really private, but if you give me space, and even better - if you recognise that I need it without being told -  you'll get more from me than some pushy interfericus.

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opal said
 Hit the nail on the head there, Elsa. I'm constantly amazed and annoyed by how little decorum people have when it comes to the personal business of others. I do subtly signal when people are getting too close but so many these days are tuned only to the frequency of what THEY want, and don't hear what you want.

I remember a few years ago coming across two different men, both neighbours in the area where I lived. I used to do my bright and breezy, 'hello, how are you, lovely day' thing and try and show an interest in them, as they both seemed quite bad tempered a lot of the time and I've been brought up to be 'nice' to people.

After a couple of rebuffs and feeling a bit hurt I sat down and thought about it. And it occurred to me that maybe they were just very private men who didn't want to have to engage with random people. And maybe my attitude, although well-meaning, was a little condescending and intrusive. So ok, they liked to keep themselves to themselves and actually I appreciated that. So do I! I decided to leave them be and just nod in future.

Next time I saw them both, I got a smile and a hello! Honestly, I feel that if you respect someone's boundaries they know you can be trusted and will be less defensive. In my own case it's definitely true. I'm really private, but if you give me space, and even better - if you recognise that I need it without being told -  you'll get more from me than some pushy interfericus.

ba-da-bing. lol

in general, people are very "intrusive"; many don't get the "ques" and are nosey as hell. :D  Can you imagine your neighbors doing that to you, always inquiring? so nosey.

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From a Scorpio Moon point of view, we have a hard enough time handling our own intensity, let alone other's feelings on top of that. Sometimes, it is too much to handle and that's when things go down hill. The best thing to do is walk away and let Scorpio sort it out in private. Once they get over all the intensity, then you can talk.

It took me a long time to learn that when dealing with my Scorpio Moon husband. Now I know what can happen if I go too far at the wrong time. I always looked at what you will face like this:

I agree with Opal that today people have little decorum in how they deal with others. They don't care how you feel, its all about them and what they want from you. And, they want it now. You could call it an entitlement mindset or just selfish.

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Scorpio moon here.... I always told my kids to beware my warning rattle.  When they pushed too far I'd put my hand on top of my head and hiss like a rattle snake.  They learned that I meant what I said.... mommy's taking a time out or heads will roll.

But the dead zone is different.  That's where people go when I have given them every single chance and then some (Neptune conjunct Jupiter in the 7th) and they STILL don't get it.  There's little fanfare.  Just.... pffffffffft--- the psychological dead zone.

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Elsa said
I just mean it if you push a Scorpio beyond a certain point (and I am like this myself), you'll not come away unscathed.
I don't mean that they intend to hurt you. Just that you will be hurt.
I also think most people who have a switch like this, try to let people know, but people rarely mind it.
I was talking to someone, smart, who knows her husband well.
It's like, mf'er, you have been burned before. You're getting close to the fire, I'd back off!
This is not to say the Scorpio doesn't suffer. I know they do. But I learned not to push my husband beyond a certain point...I think he's learned the same about me.  And I know people would like to think there are no trap doors or trip wires, but guess what? You're wrong, lol!
I almost regret writing this already.  "Walk on eggshells around Scorpio." Or it's threatening and I suppose nothing should ever be threatening.
But there is another side too. You just can't come at someone, relentlessly, when they are not ready or able to deal with you, and expect to have a good result, just because.
We need better boundaries in our relationships. Smart hands learned this with Saturn in Libra.  So really, all you have to do is call back what you learned, assuming you went to class, lol.

Really, I am just saying, there are times when if you pick a fight, you better really want one, because you're going to get one and once it's starts, you're not going to be able to stop it.

If you see a fuse that leads to a bomb, should you light it?
Ha ha.
Go ahead, but don't be surprised at the result.

Suddenly the old Stellium peeks around the corner and sees this ^^^^

Here is what is going on in my mind when an ignorant M'Fr comes for me....

Only this .... I hope you packed a lunch Mother Fucker!!!!!!!!!!! I will remember this until I am dead and even after I die I am coming for you eek(I am just a little thing, and you would never think this in a million years if you met me btw) smile(which is always to my advantage) winkI am going to fight back, and it will be a blood bath, (so to speak) even if I have to sit in some of that blood.

You all remember the lady that attacked me on the internet a week or two ago? Yeah, I put her in the freezer. I did NOTHING to this person that I can think of. I know I did my best to please her. Certainly she is either off her meds or has lost her mind or something. Just a hateful human being. I am certain she treats others just the same.

I promise I have not forgotten it. It HURT....and then, it didn't hurt anymore. Does that make sense? Now I just feel sorry for her. Don't ever bring a fucking knife to a gun fight. (yeah, I know, I am pissed about it now) (Elsa, I am doing my level best to let it go)

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