
The Scorpio Dead Zo...
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The Scorpio Dead Zone

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Elsa said
I just mean it if you push a Scorpio beyond a certain point (and I am like this myself), you'll not come away unscathed.
I don't mean that they intend to hurt you. Just that you will be hurt.
I also think most people who have a switch like this, try to let people know, but people rarely mind it.
I was talking to someone, smart, who knows her husband well.
It's like, mf'er, you have been burned before. You're getting close to the fire, I'd back off!
This is not to say the Scorpio doesn't suffer. I know they do. But I learned not to push my husband beyond a certain point...I think he's learned the same about me.  And I know people would like to think there are no trap doors or trip wires, but guess what? You're wrong, lol!
I almost regret writing this already.  "Walk on eggshells around Scorpio." Or it's threatening and I suppose nothing should ever be threatening.
But there is another side too. You just can't come at someone, relentlessly, when they are not ready or able to deal with you, and expect to have a good result, just because.
We need better boundaries in our relationships. Smart hands learned this with Saturn in Libra.  So really, all you have to do is call back what you learned, assuming you went to class, lol.

Really, I am just saying, there are times when if you pick a fight, you better really want one, because you're going to get one and once it's starts, you're not going to be able to stop it.

If you see a fuse that leads to a bomb, should you light it?
Ha ha.
Go ahead, but don't be surprised at the result.

That reminds me of people who are in a potential road rage situation with someone, and instead of driving away, they throw gasoline on the fire.

That's not gonna work out well!

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JoFrance said
From a Scorpio Moon point of view, we have a hard enough time handling our own intensity, let alone other's feelings on top of that. Sometimes, it is too much to handle and that's when things go down hill. The best thing to do is walk away and let Scorpio sort it out in private. Once they get over all the intensity, then you can talk.

I relate a lot to this, but I'm not a blow my top type. But I do have jacked up Pluto-Moon-Mercury, and my energy is just not... even.

I can manage it, but I've had to accept that there are ups and downs and that is normal for me. When I'm around someone who can't accept that, who thinks I need to be "on call" at all times and won't let me periscope down without being judgmental or pesty... It just makes me feel bad! I can't be something I'm not!

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I don't know how other Scorpio folks feel but I don't have or get road rage. Nor do I just blow up. Its much different than that. I think its more....I will deal with you later when you least expect it. (that's how I used to be) Then it turned into a game of Chess!

I would like to add that a lot of this still plays out in my head. It rolls around in there like marbles.... I rarely act out any sort of revenge ... I have come a long way from my seething days. Don't get me wrong, things still piss me off. (like the crazy lady who was clanging around for no good reason) But you would be surprised at how in control of all that I am these days. Do people hurt me ???? Sure.

I think you just get to an age where you realize that a lot of the nonsense just isn't worth the energy you have to conjure up to retaliate. I am going to let the guy on the road pass me and flip me off and at worst probably wave and smile like a smart ass....I will however get out my spell book if someone harms my child.

Many years ago someone I loved and trusted cheated on me. It destroyed my family and then the livelihood of my children. There was a ten year war that he was completely unaware of. Scorpio doesn't forget that kind of betrayal. They rarely walk away wounded and unable to return the favor X10

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my spouse and i really have to watch this with each other.  he has pluto sun, i have 8th house sun...

luckily we're relatively committed to the necessity of self and other-awareness. it's... often.. easier to catch ourselves when we start going nuclear, than the other, as there's triggers we still don't understand in the other person.  i guess that's part of the benefit of experience...

it's a similar dynamic to the one i have with my mother, so i have practice, at least.

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eris said
my spouse and i really have to watch this with each other.  he has pluto sun, i have 8th house sun...

luckily we're relatively committed to the necessity of self and other-awareness. it's... often.. easier to catch ourselves when we start going nuclear, than the other, as there's triggers we still don't understand in the other person.  i guess that's part of the benefit of experience...

it's a similar dynamic to the one i have with my mother, so i have practice, at least.  

 Eris, that is my husband and I. I have that scorp stellium and he has 4 planets in virgo 8th house and an Aries sun. We both know when to let up on the push button. If we would not be able to do that I am sure it would be world war 3 in our house.

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I think it's the Scorpio-earth combo, what you're talking about, Elsa.
People with earth are more likely to have boundaries and then crossed, and it definitely is not a place to be.
But a pure nature of a scorpio is rebirth, and in that purest form of Pluto, they will always forgive and give a second chance. Because they want to see it! They want to see that power in the other to rebirth, to try again! First you die, but then you have a chance to be born again. But only if you are capable of that. That is , if you are truly sorry, if you can really change.

If they feel real regret and a wish to redeem. I'm not talking about the "Oh I'm so sorry" shit.

Now, combinations are different. As I said, earth combo has that zone. water combo would forgive if they sense true redemption, because of their compassion. Air-scorpio combo.. I think they would smooth it out in some way but always be aware. Or sting and fly away. 
And the fire would just burn, burn, burn. And if you're not in for burning all the time, all over again, then I guess you'll turn to ashes.

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