
Thyroid Surgery - d...
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Thyroid Surgery - dates /transits to not allow to be planned on

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i will note the necessary lead in to this query subject is i have notorious reverse luck of most people with medical [authorities] care or services.

every now and then maybe once a year or two, there seems to be a magical moment where drs or other directly do their job and have accurate diagnosis or treatment.

currently, this latest scenario should be easier as 'technically' its non one of my many invisble illnesses.. 

but given that the surgery is in my neck/throat [ i have repeated major c/ptsd s from my life with which im on disabilty for] i just know this is very risky for me, its already stirring my ptsd because i feel clasustrophobic from constantly feeling like ive got something stuch in my throat and not breathing easily etcetc..



my point is in 2 days i see the specialist again possibly planning the date of op. particularly because im now starting to not sleep without the same daytime annoyance and so there is no rest from the aggravation..


i have so many facets to why this is important including other injuries that can be made worse by posture placement and movement that can make consequences of exacerbation of my other chronic conditions that i try and ignore day-to-day mostly.. i have discovered that one of my acquired conditions in last  8-10years back, [harlequin syndrome] is coincidentally after my surgery i had years ago [for long-term hernias] resulting likely from posture placement etc..i have slight disc issues in my cervical.. the dates match... and so i am hesitant i can end up with more challenges, the orthodontic periodontal teeth ive been nursing for nearly 10years not to fall out, my knee that dislocates after a car accident. my hip and pelvis alignment that is constant lifestyle managed to keep flowing okay so it doesn't drag my spine slippage out of alignment... blah bla bla...gosh..i am aware this sounds like a hypochondriac monologue :/ so i won't go on.. i just wanted to get across the slight concerns i am vocalising here genuinely because it is legit real likelihood someone may mess up somewhere, even my husband and at least one of my kids are astounded at how i seem to just be invisible or insignificant to good quality health care -by medical staff or authority figures [i was a ward of state most of childhood it was the theme there also, sometimes magical moments of seemingly promising care.. only to be taken away or shattered in some various form, either by way of sheer human errors, person leaving/ or not available at key crucial times, or just general have persons that are having a bad /woopsy day or overlook obvious and important details that often just seem so common sense its mind boggling at times]..

im already aware and slightly nervous i may be booked for around the full moon... that i at least will sheepishly try really hard to deflect from and steer to another time.. but that makes me nervous of my internvention... what if i actually f it up myself by doing such..?

im adding my chart just so those that are experienced and not emotionally attached can check out or use to learn etc.. i also just happened to click on my progressed chart... thats quite amusing [if it werent involving me 😉 ] given the exact subjects ive just rambled on about for context seem to be being highlighted .. is it enhancing neptunes affects, in a positive or negative way, as in clarity, and accuracy etc..


thanks to y'aLL 😉 {~*~} 



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o_0 i forgot the transits for today, the other charts were progressed for oct 2024, and transit for progressed june 20, 2024

transit2024 06 17 144047
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I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for here, but if it is a surgery date, your doctor will have certain days / times they do surgeries. There is not use looking at the dates until you have these perimeters.  To look in advance, risks causing you more anxiety, if someone tells you X is a good day/time and it is not available.

I'm sorry you're so stressed!

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@elsa hi elsa.


sorry bout that... i was nervous about trying to summarise yet by doing so, i missed the point.

after 3 months,  i had started pondering about my jinxes in my chart whether theyre going to rear their head..  but i dont talk to anyone about my illnesses so sometimes every now & then i drop info bits somewhere random to get it out of my head and get a fresh perspective... sometimes synchronistically someone has info or personal experience etc. 

the good news is, -thanks to the other responder below!- i was reminded of my bookshelf full of all the things i use to study but due to cognition injury i dont store memories remember.

my JudithHill & other medical astrology books were exactly the info i was trying to remember that i had long forgotten but  knew the answers were somewhere!! so now i dont feel as silly following my instinct to post here ...  🙃 thankyou Elsa


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Judith Hill’s books are excellent specifically for health, but many authors write about basics of electional charts for procedures.

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@myrna thankyou Myrna! i have been so in go mode for sooo many years i had forgotten what my bookshelves were for!!

i literally just unpacked them all again recently on my 61st moving house.

you helped me remember my medicalAstrology studies i started many years ago, that were a great asset helping me with my families tricky challenges  & yes Judiths books were [ARE] paramount in my learnings.

with my brain injury i had totally forgotten everything i had learned so it was like getting new books except for all my previous  highlighting textas 😉


thankyou very mucH!!!


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@lunairyfire Excellent!  And don’t worry about it too much.  These things seem to work themselves out organically.  If you feel comfortable with your doctor is a huge comfort.

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@myrna im not too worried about the surgery itself, moreso maybe any after effects to my other health complications. 

but im being positive mostly 😉

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Are you absolutely sure that surgery is necessary?  Have you consulted a holistic practitioner, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) doctor, naturopath, osteopath, or homeopathic doctor?  Many thyroid issues can be managed with diet, supplements, and medication.  You mentioned posture and cervical issues -- pressure from neck issues like "forward head" posture can also effect thyroid function.  Chiropractic and physical therapy can help too.

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@warped hi @warped


thanks for your good advice that i would also state myself to people. 

but i am on disability pension most of those things are at an opposite end of financial levels i live at.


to ease your mind also,

i have had biopsies scans etc, and am impacted by large growth.. slowly effecting my breathing & oesophagus etc, am hoping to contain surgery to only half thyroid out so far.. but they need to be sure they get all of the problem. 

thankyou for your wise thoughts though ~*~ helpful to others perhaps at the very least 🙏


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Of course.  I'm familiar with goiter -- my grandmother had a huge one decades before alternative or even endocrinologist treatments would be available to her.  It deformed one side of her neck for many years but she did live to be 79 or 80.

You've probably read it, but if not, your library should have "The Thyroid Solution" by Dr. Ridha Arem.

May God bless you with a full recovery and revitalization. 🙏❤

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