
Transit Uranus conj...
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Transit Uranus conjunct Natal Moon

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My Moon is 14 degrees in Taurus in the 8th house. When Uranus made an exact conjunction to my Moon in the 8th (May 12th of this year), my mother passed away at the ripe old age of 42, I cut off everyone from my father's side of the family, and I was thrown into a full blown existential crisis. Astrology is something, that's for damn sure! 


Did anyone else lose someone during transit Uranus conjunct their Moon? I have observed that this is quite common! Thanks! Love Kiss  

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Posted by: @kida

My Moon is 14 degrees in Taurus in the 8th house. When Uranus made an exact conjunction to my Moon in the 8th (May 12th of this year), my mother passed away at the ripe old age of 42, I cut off everyone from my father's side of the family, and I was thrown into a full blown existential crisis. Astrology is something, that's for damn sure! 


Did anyone else lose someone during transit Uranus conjunct their Moon? I have observed that this is quite common! Thanks! Love Kiss  

@KidA I am very sorry for your loss. My condolences.

For me it was so long ago that I don’t remember much other than walking into puberty.

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Posted by: @kida

My Moon is 14 degrees in Taurus in the 8th house. When Uranus made an exact conjunction to my Moon in the 8th (May 12th of this year), my mother passed away at the ripe old age of 42, I cut off everyone from my father's side of the family, and I was thrown into a full blown existential crisis. Astrology is something, that's for damn sure! 


Did anyone else lose someone during transit Uranus conjunct their Moon? I have observed that this is quite common! Thanks! Love Kiss  

Dear @kida, I'm very sorry for your loss.  My mother also died on May 12th this year. 

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I’ll find out soon enough. My moon sits at 16 Taurus. ?

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@notmycircus It will be interesting! We're all rooting for you here!

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@elsa Thanks! It’s in my 5th house. Not sure what to expect. I’m single and childless, headed into perimenopause.

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@notmycircus Rooting for you NMC... it will all turn out alright. You will get through it. And, just so you know... if you are having a problem I am now within driving distance of you and sure willing to help!!!

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@soup Thanks! Looks like the exact hits start this time next year. I’m already expecting the next year or so to be one big vomit party thanks to food shortages and whatnot. ? Plus who knows how my housemate might change over the next year as her dementia gets worse. She’s already losing her ability to work a telephone and she’s started sleeping on the couch.

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@notmycircus Just looked to see my Moon is 8 degrees Taurus in my 11th house so BOY am I thinking…

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Both of my ex-husbands died within 6 months of each other.  Natal moon 1 Taurus.   There were other things happening in transits besides this one influence. YMMV. 

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@KidA It is great to see you here. I am very sorry to hear about your mom.  What a horrible shock.

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I honestly can't remember. :/ Saturn I believe was squaring too, so it was a real doozy, and Uranus - lots of anxiety.

I wish I had journaled writing the exact transits at the time... I did some, but I wish I had done so more specifically. 


Sorry for you loss 🙁

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I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. 

When Uranus hit my moon husbands job closed, (transferring him to a new portion of the company) I closed my business,  we emptied our home of 75% of our belongings, sold our home, moved 800 miles away to a place where I have no family or friends, and only once a month travel to see my children and grandbabies who I cared for since they were born. 

My family was devastated by this move. And, I am still not over it and it has been a year. Basically everything I have ever known to be solid and true is very far away and I am only able to see it through electronics (zoom, text, social media, phone calls) 

My parents are both in bad shape. Found my mother is mostly unable to walk right now, health rapidly declining and my father is hanging on by a thread with congestive heart failure. 

Also, I lost a uterus. 

I live on the angles so when this hit my moon it was in opposition to my stellium while Pluto was on my DSC. 

Taurus moon, Scorpio Stellium (cancer rising, Cap DSC) 

Harsh. Hit me hard. Everything is gone.... my whole life as I knew it. 

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