
Transiting Pluto Sq...
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Transiting Pluto Square sun

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There have to be people here that have gone through a Pluto transit to the sun. I am interested in hearing how this played out for people. I know we are all different and in different circumstances but what happened to YOU? 

I also want to know about orbs. When you really start to feel it and when it is at its worst. What orb counts it over? (done) What orb counts the beginning? When it's exact is that the worst of it? 

I see another thread but there is really nothing on there. So, I thought I would try this again, fresh. There is a lot to read on the internet, but it seems one person wrote something then the world copied it and used it over and over again. Bet the original writer is thrilled 😳 So much for original thought. 

I am really interested in the SQUARE. 

I've already had the conjunction. That was a life ruiner.... I can only laugh now. That is how hideous it was. Every day wasn't trash, but a lot of them were. (Life ruiner in that it changed my whole life. I got divorced. Lost every material thing I had. Went through hell supporting my kids alone.. it was conjunct my 4th house) (also, when I say life took me down, but I got back up and became the strongest version of myself, forever changed) Of course this is hitting my 4th again only in square as opposed to conjunct. 

The square is different. A lot of it seems like an inside job. My oldest son just went through it. He really had to work hard while he was in school full time and raising his daughter. He also broke his back during this time and seemed to recover from sheer willpower and get back up and keep going. His mouth though... ugh. He really had to rally that thing up. He was pretty harsh. And he was met with a lot of obstacles. He came out the other side smarter with a better job, more education and physically fit. But he was an arsehole during this period. Of course, that was to be expected. We all got out of his way... loved him from a little distance unless he called for help, which was actually rare. On the other side he was a much stronger person. His physical condition is the best of his life, and he is more than 4 decades old. 

Who had the square? How long did you really feel the energy? Did you accomplish anything? Have a fall out with a job or marriage? Ride it out and do okay? Thanks in advance. 


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I've had the conjunction and the square. I was a kid when I had the conjunction - enough said, right? Very degrading.

When Pluto squared my sun, my husband came back into my life... this was several years before we actually met in person and got together.  It was very intense and left me emotionally raw. I saw the stupid, frivolous way I was living and could no longer bear it.

This is also when I got kicked off astrology mailing lists, for being intense... including the "Plutonians" list, ha ha.

It really stripped me down. It killed my ego. I think the Pluto sun transit is much harder than Pluto moon.

Paul Simon's line applies. "Losing love is like a window to your heart - everybody sees your blown apart, everybody sees the wind blow."

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@elsa Harder.... ugh. Definitely going to read everything I can before this calamity gets here. 😞

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@soup the affect is visible... It's like throwing crap on the sun... The part of your that's supposed to shine.

Also extremes. Death of ego / ego on steroids. Does not have to be yours. But you'll run into one or both of these scenes.

You know how a person can hate someone with such passion, they want them dead? It's that intense.  

Who knows what's going to happen, but at some point the sun is degraded. Then back from the ashes, of course.

At this age, if you're falling, dive.

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@elsa When I had to fight back during the conjunction it was so hard. I was physically beaten to a pulp. So ashamed. Parts of my hair literally pulled out in bald spots. My sun was definitely degraded. But when I finally did get up it was like I was on steroids. I said... ENOUGH... eventually of course I had to tone that down. I was half crazy with the fight me stuff. I had no ego left. It was war paint. Survival. One of the worst situations I have ever been in in my life. And back then no one cared if a woman was beaten to a pulp. There were no resources, no help available. My parents would have lost it and went straight for the jugular with no restraint so that would have landed them in very big trouble. When my dad finally did know... I had to beg him to let it be. 

How do you interview for a job with two black eyes? You don't. People are not going to hire that kind of mess. No job, no money, no way to feed children. What a kerfuffle I was in. All I could think was I made the decision to marry such a person. I got me in it, I had to get me out. 

I don't think I could survive such a thing today. I am not in any shape for that kind of catastrophe although my sons would never allow it to begin with. They were old enough; they remember every detail unfortunately.  

I walked in shame. Wore glasses and hats. Didn't want anyone to see that I was so weak to let such a thing happen to not only me, but my children. It never happened again. But I lived in a small place. Everyone knew it. I went grocery shopping at off hours. Stayed to myself. They still remember in that town. But no one says anything. 

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@soup I'm sorry. I can easily see this happening and imagine how it feels. Then people wonder why a person is standoffish.

Not you, but in general. You, me, and people like us.

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When I had this transit, the image in my mind was the sun, with feces thrown on it.  Sorry, that's gross, but this is what I mean by, degrade the sun.

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@elsa I do know what it feels like when someone wants you dead. A local woman had left her husband with her two kids. She went to a restaurant to eat dinner with her girlfriends one evening. Her estranged husband walked in with a knife and stabbed her so many times she died before help could get there. She was 30. He went to prison. But he is out now, and she is gone. 

Everyone in town knew all about it. I bring this up because when it happened mine said to me, you are next. 

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@soup gah.

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I was born with Leo Sun conjunct 0 degree Pluto in Virgo. 12th house or 12th house cusp, depending on chart style. My mother handed me to the neighborhood pedo repeatedly and then called me a slut and whore whenever we were alone. I was about 3 years old, as far as I can figure. She decorated the bedroom that my sister and I shared with a canopy bed and in French Provincial style - even had the French phone. She had to get rid of our twin beds of course and I slept on an old rug on the living room floor for a couple of years. I also have Mars in 12th square Saturn in 3rd. So, there's more but that's enough.

The Pluto square was mind blowing. Literally. I had the most insane thing(s) happen, some of which still reverberate in my life today. I became an addict, literally just for the duration of that aspect. I lost my business, most of  my family, most of my friends, jobs. I was drowning in quick sand through it all. And that's not even the weird dark stuff which I won't go into because it's too crazy.

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@sage6911 I had to read this twice. I am so sorry you had that experience. No child should go through it. Ever. 3 years old. This is devastating. 

When I had the conjunction, I was beaten many times. Twice, into the hospital. For a period of time, I wore sunglasses to cover my black eyes and long sleeve shirts in summer ... long pants to hide the bruises. I was so ashamed. And so beaten down and controlled in all the worst ways you can imagine. I knew if I moved, I would place my children in poverty when they had every material thing a child could ask for.

I had no choice. Let my kids see this behavior and watch them be ruined for life psychologically OR we have to be poor until I can figure it out. So, we were in poverty. And in poverty we were happier. We didn't have a lot, but we finally had peace, I could start over. It took everything I had and all the strength I could muster up to free us. We did it. But it was not easy, and it took a long time. 

Like you, I still cannot talk about the darkest thing(s) that were done to me. Once when I did speak of it, I was asked why I allowed it to happen. Well, the answer to that was I didn't have the physical strength to prevent it. And I never spoke to that person again. If I had told my parents someone would have ended up in prison, so I had to fight that battle alone. 

The end of the story? I won. 

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@soup Thanks. I wonder if  having Pluto leading my Sun made the difference as well. I think life could have been very different and the Pluto square could have had a very different affect if my Sun lead Pluto. That Mars/Saturn square was probably the most consistent trouble maker for me. I haven't touched on the transit Pluto conjunction to Saturn. That was a doozy. lol. And my mother shows up in my chart in Gemini 9th house almost totally unaspected, other than a square to Mercury in my 12th house. Split personality.

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@soup I'm so sorry what you went through. I'm proud of your strength though.

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I just read this: 

The fact you are having the Pluto transit in the first place MEANS (in the larger scheme of things) that you ARE powerful. And now people are reacting to it. So, you can’t hide. You have to take it on: what is this power about? How do I use it? Engage with the energy? Ask yourself: How do I not scare people as I use it? How do I come to terms with the fact that people see me this way and how do I not alienate EVERYONE? It’s like a baby animal in the wild. The animal that knows how to kill from day one. That’s you, my darling.

Pluto = power. You can’t have this much power in the natal or by transit and just assume you are like everyone else. You are not. So, stop. Please stop. Stop being OBLIVIOUS to this. Stop playing dumb. Check your chart. It’s pretty easy to see if you are under a Pluto transit. And if it’s in your natal (hard Pluto) then it’s true for all time.

You have to get to the point where you look in the mirror and like the way such power looks on you. And behave accordingly. You are not god’s all suffering footstool. Victim mentality looks like shit on a Pluto Person. Also, true good use of power is the opposite of manipulation or baiting others. That’s not power. That’s immaturity. Your Pluto transit will smash your face for that bullshit. 

If you’ve had PLUTO do the dance of death all over your Rising (your angles), Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars or Venus then you KNOW what I’m talking about. The other planets matter too but I am really privileging the PERSONAL planets here especially SUN AND MOON and Mercury.


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And this: 

So, give yourself a break. Nobody else will. Compassion for yourself. YOU have to do it yourself. It’s like when I talk to harried women who GIVE TOO MUCH, give to depletion and exhaustion and invisibility and spiritual death and I say to them: you have to give to you. YOU have to take time. They’re not going to offer it to you: here, would you like a day off? NO. You have to organize your own escape.

PEOPLE, I’M NOT TALKING ABOUT BUBBLE BATHS. I’M NOT TALKING ABOUT BODY BUTTER. I’M NOT TALKING SELF-CARE. Fuck self-care. What I am talking about is far more radical than a goddamn freaking bubble bath. Hear me out. I’m talking becoming a witch and that you learn to adjust reality with your magic. A REAL witch with REAL magic. Real power.

A hard Pluto transit to your chart, also, will make you not only the criminal but the crime itself. Try to see this for what it is. That it’s the transit talking, embodied through other people. Take their twisted-up notions of you and grab the scissors and cut out the malignancy of their perception. Cut it out. Return to sender if you choose. Or simply bury it. Or some other spell. Cast it to the wind. And what’s left? The purity of your power. Which you can then do with what you will. Easier said than done? Maybe. Maybe not.

That first paragraph... whoa... 


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If you are under a HARD TRANSIT from Pluto: remember not everyone is having these transits.

THEY (people) are probably not going to give you rope. Not the rope you need. They will hate you for who you are (who they think you are) and find you reprehensible.

But oh my darlings if you are under a Pluto transit you are here to pretty much “admit to” the sins of this world, not to take them away. You will be blamed for crimes you didn’t commit. Maybe you took an extra helping of spaghetti but they say you stole their car. It’s like that. You get seen as bad, criminal, responsible for causing the pain they are now in.

Now of course in some situations this is true! Maybe you did hit them with the car. But I’m kind of thinking that in most cases you aren’t the evil one they say you are.

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