i looked it up. i don't know if it was activated during big life shifts but it certainly was during a few romantic episodes. it's conjunct two other planets that are plugged into my chart in a few ways so i can't tell if it was the vertex that drove these things or my other planets!
The Sun conjuncts my Vertex (and my husband's sun) tomorrow. It completes my t-squares for a cardinal grand cross between Saturn, Uranus and a Mars/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction.
We have a lot of stuff going on -- if anything comes to a head, I will report back.
What do you guys consider to be the orb for Vertex transits?
Thanks, Elsa!
the ascendant on the contract chart for when I bought my place, is the same as my Vertex.
t-Jupiter was conjunct at the exact degree of my Vertex the day I bought my house. t-Saturn exactly trine my Vertex.