
Venus in Pisces Squ...
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Venus in Pisces Square Mars in Gemini

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Mars is squaring Venus in Pisces; the aspect will be exact on February 4th @ 10 degree, just ahead of the full moon in Leo.

I don't like this at all. It seems snippy, but it's more that people are fatigued with Mars in Gemini for all these months. I also consider people with natal Pluto in Virgo near this degree. I'm one of them, but my point is that a lot of my peers hold positions of power.  There is something itchy here, it seems.

What do you think of this square, are this time?

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I'm trying to lean into Venus in Pisces, but it's hard because my mind is so active. 

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Mars has been banging around my 12th house like a psychotic poltergeist for way too long and and it needs an exorcism.

Priest, medicine man, voodoo priestess, Shaolin monk I don't care just make it stop.

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I feel this square has spurred conversation in the forum.
I also feel it's easy to move around, my own opinions and the opinions of others. I wonder if things have just been so FIXED, this is a relief.

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@elsa The fixed energy is/has been a headache! I've never felt more like being in a prison, vice, clamp, miniature mental hell maze, ever before. I've kept going (as you know!) but it's taken all my stamina and resilience. 

Today, I went to the sea. It was an intervention for my soul, to help ease my mind. The tide was in, no beach in sight, just water. Very turbulent, large, forceful crashing waves. It's my Pisces prequel! 

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Actually I think your gradual introduction of subjects lifting the ban to discuss certain controversies here has spurred activity, like a dam bursting!

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@warped I feel there is a dissolving of boundaries already with Piscean energy incoming. There have been powerfully rigid invisible structures binding our minds and nervous system with Saturn in Aqua. Not to mention peer pressure. I cannot wait for full release from it! Worst time I've experienced, truly not felt myself since 2020, steady erosion of feeling my self, of feeling real. I am certainly nervous for Pluto into Aqua but I'm hoping it won't be such an insidious binding, inhibiting or blocking effect as with Saturn. Living without rich contact with the energy of the heart is traumatic and truly devastating. Been through it as a kid, now twice, it's really enough!

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Oh man, I received a work email yesterday that triggered this energy for me. I am glad I woke up this morning with the sizzle-feeling gone.

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