
What Is Mars in Cap...
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What Is Mars in Capricorn Like?

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I have this.Like living on a knife edge. The phrase --This is it, Here, Now, This is it--rolls through my mind alot. It's the engine. Hard to tease out of its conjunction w/Venus & Sun. But its an unrelenting push of the wheel forward. SagMoon/Asc won't look back. 

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Sturdy. Smart. Calculated. Leader. Earner. Thinker. Serious a lot of the time. Observant. High reaching. Tenacity. In it for the long haul/game. Practical. Determined and persistent. Loyal to those they love. If they sometimes seem sneaky or cold, it's probably because of modesty more than anything you think is hidden or suspect. 

I live with a Cap moon. That is what I see. 

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I have this placement too. Intensely practical. I like to try and fix things in my home myself, whether it be change a light bulb, replace a pesky bathroom tile to building a small rock wall in the garden. It's just so satisfying and builds up my skills by trying and learning. I would have been a great builder, architect or carpenter if I knew how much I loved those practical rewards when younger.
I love working hard for my goals, but risk overwork as a workaholic! Rarely been in leadership roles as am overwhelmed by enormous responsibility to others. I don't want to control or manage others, I like to work alone as I can only manage myself. I do work in a team well, but my unique skills in this team means I can work alone and contribute my part to the bigger project.
I tend to be conflict avoidant! I do stand up for myself when the issue is important to me and state my case calmly, then walk away. Cardinal Capricorn hates having my integrity questioned, I will cut you out of my life immediately, then you do not exist in my world. I will not budge! This only occurred a few times in my life, yet it is very painful. When staying in a conflict and fighting back, I know I can destroy you, but don't want to do that to people, or wear them down until they give in is too exhausting, its best to say my piece and walk away, and of course continue to be successful (I'll show 'em). I am a better foot soldier in helping someone else stand their ground!
As a female, Mars in Cap helps me understand men, and I grew up with brothers and I get the act now, get it done now stuff,  the crude humour and swearing like a trooper will turn your ears blue. Haha. I currently house share with a beautiful Libra gal, who does not have a practical bone in her body. She is a little older and grew up with the helpless female energy and people will rush in to help her do things. Gee that drives my Mars crazy. Anyhoo, she is far more socially adept than me and I've learned to back off on pushing her to do practical things. She has skills elsewhere Grinning  

As for sex, when younger I was pushy, probably a little predatory with a very high sex drive. Nowadays I have calmed down a great deal. But if I have a male trade person, a furniture removalist, a technician come to my house, watch out, I flirt endlessly, they're practical work is like foreplay!

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@australia Great to see you! Smile

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@elsa Cheers Elsa, its been a while

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I only know one person with this aspect, so it's hard to say this is consistent across everyone with this aspect, but she's the hardest worker I know. She grew up on a farm and was accustomed to getting up early and doing hard work, tossing bales of hay, "man's work", and became self-conscious around her peers because she had the biggest muscles of any girl at school. When she grew up and got away from the farm life and had a family of her own, she was always an early riser and did the work that needed to be done. Her husband became kind of lazy, though I don't know if that was his tendency to begin with, or if it was like, well here she was doing everything, so what was left for him to do? Her kids were pretty much used to her doing everything for them, too. She can hardly sit still even in her old age, and will find work to be done if she doesn't have any of her own work to do, caring for neighbors and such if they need help. (Also, Pisces moon, so...hard worker and self-sacrificing.)

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I have Mars at 0° Cap in 12th house square Mercury at 1° Aries in 2nd, widely sextile Saturn at 7° Scorpio, widely opposing 22° Gemini Jupiter, trine 29° Leo POF, and widely trine 24 ° Aries Sun, 10° Virgo Moon, and 22° Leo Pluto.  Mars makes the most aspects of any planet in my very scattered chart.


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my father has this, and he's always lucky to find work no matter what. He doesn't even get turned down, so maybe its because they see him as reliable right away. My cancer sun pisces moon close friend has capricorn mars too and she always finds work no matter what. she's been married to her taurus sun husband for over 10 years now but they dont plan on children. She just likes to have her nice home in the suburbs and work. I remember when she was in her teens, and in her 20s, always talking about wanting to meet a guy to sleep with if she's not with anyone pernament. So i guess the 'goat horny' thing is correct. I would just laugh with her because at least she was happy. But when she was dating a libra sun aries moon and in love with him, she was constantly miserable and crying and always wanting to help him find work or get applications for him. Now he found a different momma type, and she is happier with the taurus husband. He doesn't make her cry so thats a good thing. 

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