I can only speak for my Scorpy Venus/Pluto, and as a progressed/Vedic/Draconic Scorpio -
Intelligence and good looks
I don't really get envious about anything else, because everything else is either controllable (as opposed to innate like looks and intelligence), or are products of them.
when someone else is rewarded with something we have suffered for
Giving your energy ['their' energy] and attention to someone else. can pay attention to someone else/give them energy and that's no big deal...but the minute you give a certain *type* of energy/attention the scorpio thinks is his/her purvue?---oooo---look out!
Not his interest in her, per se, although that's worth eviscerating him, but... her receptiveness to his interest.
when someone else is rewarded with something we have suffered for
This is something that bothers me but not in a jealous pisses me off!