
What rules shame?
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What rules shame?

Libra Noir
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I just recently felt shame for the first time in a long time. It was irrational, but I don't think that has any bearing on what I'm asking. Anyway, I realized that I once felt a lot of shame. And now I don't. I'm thinking I broke free from it when Pluto crossed my ascendant. Or I broke free of the notion that it was part of my identity.

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I know what you mean i think perhaps the ruler of your ascendant in a dependant something?
I was really REALLY shy to a shame point, and really awkward i would stop walking with my hands alltense if anyone would be looking at me, my head always down and gave A LOT of weight to others
my chart ruler is mercury and is in house 7 in sag i think perhaps is the house 7 thing that other people's opinion on myself had so much weight..
I was like that but then like 4 years ago i went compeltely the opposite, its like it literally jsut switched and it hink it was probably a transit. Byt hat time pluto had jsut left my 7th house if means anything..

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Libra Noir - I see Saturn as very much connected with shame, sense of limitation and fear - not casually, you have Cap rising. I think Saturn inconjunct my ASC has a similar effect on me and my way of relating to others in daily Life.

Libra Noir
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Saturn did cross my mind for a sec. I have cap rising square Saturn in the 10th house where my sun and Pluto also reside. Hmm.

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Saturn 🙁

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Saturn makes sense. I don't feel shame often but I think that is mostly because I actively avoid doing things that would cause me shame. I have a Sag Saturn and most things I find shameful are sag related - not being independent being the strongest shame-inducer I can think of. Asc makes sense too - my chart ruler is in the 6th and I feel people who aren't hard workers should feel deeply ashamed. MC might be an indicator as well. I have a Cap MC in my 9th soo more Saturn. I think if you don't work your way up you should be ashamed of yourself. The thought of staying on the same level throughout your life horrifies me. I was actually thinking about this today! My 50yr old coworker got fired for stealing and I was so horrified for him because its like what 50 year old steals petty cash from a pizza place? By 50 years old you should be stealing diamonds from the houses of rich people! I can't stop thinking about how he isnt stealing diamonds and being so disgusted by him. I feel like he should really hate himself for failing at his criminal life. And I don't even care that he's a criminal, all I care about is that he hasnt moved up the crime ladder!

I have a bad Jupiter-Saturn combo. They're my dominants and Jupiter is all about judging and Saturn about shame so I judge people for not being ashamed enough pretty often.

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