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Pluto in Capricorn Throughout History

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Pluto was in Capricorn in the following years C.E.:

Thanks to the teaching of the Apostles Christianity is spread all around the Mediterranean.
In the West, the emperor Diocletian tries to restore the Roman Empire emphasizing its pagan character. In the East, Constantine establishes Byzantium.
The first competitions between the Bishops of Rome, Istanbul and Alexandria appear.
Charlemagne unites central Europe in the spirit of Catholicism. Around this same time, in the East the Muslim Abbasid kingdom (Damascus) is founded and in India Sankara reforms Hinduism.
The Crusades. In the East, Mahmud of Ghazni consolidated the Sultanate of Afghanistan, rivaling in splendor the kingdom of Baghdad.
The last Crusade. In Egypt, Mamluk Turks take control of the country. The Ottomans invade India and establish the Delhi Sultanate. In China, the Emperor Kublai Khan declares Buddhism as the official religion of the country.
In South America, Cortez and Pizarro ruin the kingdoms of the Incas and Aztecs. In Europe, the Reformation manifests. Vienna is besieged by Turks who rushed from all parts of the world to participate in a religious war. In Persia, there is conflict of Safavid dynasty (Shiite Muslims) with the Sunni Ottomans.
The successful outcome of the first Russian-Turkish War (1768-1774) establishes the Russians as protectors of the Christian populations around the Mediterranean.


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Summary of Research

The Christian ChurchThe major events in the history of the Christian Church took place with Pluto in Capricorn.First Pope in Rome (42 AD), Christianity becomes the official religion of the Roman Empire (310 AD), The Roman Church becomes a massive land owner (Rome, 784 AD), Split between Western Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy (1020-54), Summa Theologica fundamental Catholic thesis (1270), Building of St Peter’s Basilica (1514), The Protestant Reformation splits the Catholic Church (1517), Henry VIII head of English Church, this leads to a split from Catholicism (1531).

Conquests of CountriesConquests of the three greatest countries in history were begun with Pluto in Capricorn.Britain, the Romans invaded in 43 AD,Italy, the Byzantines invaded in 542 AD,Britain, the Vikings invaded in 787-793 AD,William the Conqueror of England is born in 1027,Wales, the English invaded in 1282,China, the Mongols invaded in 1268 and ruled China for 100 years,England, the Scots invasion failed in 1513,India, the Moguls invaded in 1526 and ruled India for over 200 years.

Religions FoundedTwo great religions were founded with Pluto in Capricorn.Christian Church, first Pope in Rome (42 AD), Buddhism (China 58 AD).

Autocratic Power GrabClaudius (Rome 53 AD), the Byzantine Emperor (536 AD).

Civil WarThe largest popular revolt in Europe before the French Revolution took place with Pluto in Capricorn (1542)..China (291-308 AD), Japan (1027), German Peasants' War (1524).

Religious Persecution or WarsReligious persecution reached new heights under Pluto in Capricorn. Also the Crusades ended in this time.Jews (Rome 303-305 AD), Spain (793), Jews (Vienna 1267), Jews (France 1269, 1283), Jews (England 1282), Jews (Germany 1284), The Crusades come to an end (1099-1291).

Major Scientific Breakthroughs and InventionsThe Industrial Revolution and Scientific Revolution began with Pluto in Capricorn.48-50 AD. Ts’ailouen and Cai Lun, Chinese inventors of paper. “A.D.” first used (532 AD), “0” invented (1024), first printed money (1024), Industrial Revolution begins (1765), Scientific Revolution: Oxygen and Nitrogen discovered (1772).

Major CatastrophesPandemics killing 50% of populations began with Pluto in Capricorn. So did global climate change.Krakatoa explodes causing global climate change for three years (532 AD); Plague kills two million people (Byzantine Empire 542 AD), in the next 150 years 50% of Europeans died from plague; Pandemic kills up to 15 million people (South America 1519), Plague (England 1528).

Empires Established or DestroyedSome of the greatest Empires in history were born or destroyed with Pluto in Capricorn. As were great conquerors and rulers born during this time.The Roman Catholic Church and Christian Churches (42 AD), William the Conqueror is born (1027), Holy Roman Empire (Charlemagne 772-800AD); Byzantium consolidates border for 200 years (782 AD); Constantine the Byzantine Empire founder comes to power (305 AD), Osman I founder of the Ottoman Empire (1299-1922) rise to power (1281), Aztec Empire (Cortez 1521), Suliman the Magnificent (1520), Catherine the Great of Russia came to power (1762), British Empire (1762), American Revolution (1765-76), Napoleon Bonaparte born (1769).

Great ExplorersThe greatest explorers in history set out with Pluto in Capricorn.Marco Polo (to China overland 1271). The remainder are sea voyages: Verrazzano (USA 1524), Balboa (Pacific Ocean 1513), Alvarez (China 1513), Magellan makes the first world circumnavigation (1519), Cook, the greatest explorer in history, begins his voyages (1766).

Civil Law established or strengthenedThe English Parliament, the fundamental foundation stone of democracy in the world, is established with Pluto in Capricorn.Rome (529 AD); First elected English parliament (1265), Venice (1268), England (1275, 1280, 1285).

source - in5D

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@elsa WOW! That is absolutely fascinating! Great conquerors are born during Pluto in Capricorn. I probably won't be around to see what this will bring, but it would be interesting to see.

Capricorn is traditional too. Maybe someone  down the road tries to return to past traditions?

I want to copy and paste this into my personal folders to keep and read.

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I meant re-read. Pluto new symbol Capricorn smily  

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Any comparably momentous developments during Pluto in Aquarius?

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Damned interesting.

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Oh, Astrology through History, my favorite subject! wink I remember many astrologers looking into History when Pluto first went to Capricorn in order to see what would lie ahead. Quite honestly, most accounts made me cringe, because it was obvious people had written those articles didn't have adequate gasp of History as a discipline to see beyond Wikipedia Chronologies from which they had handpicked events supporting their particular view. For instance, I remember Religious Persecution being something many astrologers saw coming, because yes, some had taken place during Pluto in Capricorn. But in a big picture, the most outragious persecutions took place when Pluto was not in Capricorn.

The ones quoted here are actually good accounts, although I immediately noticed Crusades quoted for 1024-1041, and there weren't any notable ones during that period. The first Crusade took place 1096-1099 (Pluto in Pisces and Aries), and I'd say Crusades peaked around 1150 (Pluto in Taurus), with Second Crusade to Holy Land and Germanic/Nordic Expansion in Baltic States taking place in the same time.

Something I can quite confidently say, after looking at Pluto in Capricorn cycles is that yes, major vulcanic activity is very likely. Famine and pandemics have traditionally been result of vulcanic activity lowering temperatures, but with the modern medicine, they are less likely. Economically speaking, we're in austere times, but this doesn't mean some areas using the energy in their advantage couldn't prosper (Hanseatic Alliance, which was founded in the 13th Century during Pluto in Capricorn,Geneva in the 16th Century and Prussia in the 18th Century).

Oh, and did I mention overbloated, Plutocratic Administrations better to be prepared to face the critic and renew in order to survive? Catholic Church did, after Reformation, and is still around. French 18th Century Court, where the word burocracy was conned, didn't, and was wiped away during Pluto in Aquarius.

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It doesn't all sound that aweful, but like all transits, there are ups and downs/good and bad,

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So America's Pluto return is coming up in a few years Smile

Plutonic Administrastions renewing is definitely something to look forward to, even if the journey to rock bottom and then back up won't be very pleasant. The nature stuff... we can't control it (at least not the volcanos, and we only have so much control over epidemics) so why worry about it? The people who work in those areas should be on top of their game now but personally I'm not going to spend time on it.

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