
When Saturn comes i...
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When Saturn comes in to visit (finish) you…

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Hi I’m a new member. Is ignorance truly bliss? Because I would really prefer to ignore Saturn (+Uranus as well) and just live an uninterrupted life 😂🙃🫠. Saturn is annoyingly again opposing one of my Virgo placements (this time Venus) which stationed retrograde to the exact degree(took it personally). Venus rules my 2nd (which Uranus has been wrecking for years now) and 7th houses. My money has already been funny since Uranus in Taurus came to town but with Pisces here I’m trying to find the deeper or magical meaning to all of it. Is this a final knockout of anything venus related? I heard Venus in Virgo is not the best anyway so I guess Saturn could wrestle with it. Can I switch for a Venus in Taurus or Libra maybe (or is it overrated-let me know?)? Should I just embrace more of the Pisces side of things (whatever that may mean) as Saturn has been pummeling my Virgo placements. I’ll try to be an adult about it but I’ve been battling all my life for simple pleasures and I just want to keep most of them that are still around (btw thanks Uranus). The song “Saturn” by SZA keeps playing on the radio. A sign possibly…

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Welcome, Amazje45!

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@elsa thank you for the welcome! This blog and forum presented itself at a much needed time in my life. Combing through what it has to offer in the way of navigating through it all.

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Outside of the ranting I found some comfort combing through the forum and found some great material @elsa already provided in depth on Saturn in Pisces. Strangely it helped in finding the comfort in the discomfort this transit in Pisces has been offering for awhile. I needed that. 

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@amazje45 All right! I'm happy to read this!

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I agree.

#Stay in the boat!

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Looking at your chart, I would say a general theme at the moment would be recognising that you are not in charge, but rather a higher power is, and importantly that it's not out to get you even when it feels uncomfortable. Shifting your relationship to the universe, embracing the reality of universal forces and your part in this dance, will bring positive change. Resistance and tendency to control, be too self determined will make the process harder.

These are general human issues, but I see it in your chart due to Aries rising, lots of Capricorn, Cancer (even) and Virgo.

Utilising astrology can help understand the natural 'law' of the energetic universe, and supports getting in the flow.

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@sophiab Humbled and empowered at the same time. True. The more I pushed, the more pushback I received in these past weeks. Forced to sit it out while the universe stirs the pot. Will use your words as a reminder and guide to flow through it. Small steps.

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From what I see in your chart, I would be less worried about Venus Aspects. I would focus more on the Mars/Uranus Transit occurring. New weird opportunities or needs will come you and and remember to sit back and think before acting.

In regards to Venus, I would take care of your heath as Venus is in the 6th house. Although, Saturn is now opposite. 

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@fishysaturn it’s interesting you mentioned about health because I’ve been so wrapped up in keeping up with finances that my physical health was “put on the back burner” so to speak. I’m actually seeing a doctor about a medical issue that was under the radar and is now presenting itself to be something I can’t ignore. Saturn will be opposing my Venus for a few more months so it’s an ongoing process. Thanks for the heads up.

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Transiting Saturn opposite your natal Venus only happens a few times in your life.

Last time Saturn opposed my Venus was in March 1998; and that's my 3rd/9th house axis. It was my first year of middle school. I'd made new friends (Venus in Libra), and developed new interests. I was particlularly obsessed with professional wrestling at that time (Saturn in Aries). That was the basis of everything for me during that transit.

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@draco yes that’s the interesting thing about astrology. Major transits can occur at different stages of life and your experiences with them are reflective of that time in life. I’ve experienced Saturn in Pisces oppose my Venus in Virgo back in the early to mid-1990s but the experience was different then versus me as an adult in my mid 30s. Plus I was not aware of astrology then as a kid. I can recall the overwhelming feeling of making friends in a new learning environment (started kindergarten in ‘94)at that time but I was still understanding my part in the wider world aka school

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