
When Saturn comes i...
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When Saturn comes in to visit (finish) you…

Posts: 186
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I had Saturn oppose my Venus from October 2017 to Christmas 2018, off the top of my head and using a liberal orb. Saturn was also squaring my Mars for parts of this. It sucked until it didn't and then it was awesome. I had taken a cool new job and moved in with new people in October 2017, right before the transit began. The new job was extremely difficult and the new people hurt me and made me feel ugly (afflicting my Venus). I almost buckled and got fired that first winter. Also got rather unceremoniously rejected by a crush after getting a "pep talk" on how not to be ugly by my housemates. 

Then when Saturn went retrograde in spring / summer 2018, I realized I just had to push as hard as I could at that job, and I became known on a first name basis in that school district as "the best." I got better at my makeup, and put myself together more, while still pushing against those people and wearing what I wanted. I found a relationship soon after. I wasn't practicing astrology when any of this was happening and the timing blows my mind now.

I'm paraphrasing, but Elsa told me a Saturn transit is like a workout. If you're straining and feeling like you're getting crushed, you need to push harder to grow that beefy new muscle. Also, when a crab starts to escape its bucket, the other crabs will try to climb that crab and unwittingly pull it back in. Be aware of the other crabs in your bucket right now. I could see my crabs because they were in my "open-enemy" 7th house. You might not be able to see yours because your 12th is getting hit. Just push as hard as you can and get you all straightened out and polished.

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