That *is* scary Mahchi!!
Here is my aunt's chart - there is no way that woman had a moon in Pisces but since I don't know her tob, it shows the Pisces moon.
I can't begin to describe the pain and agony this woman put her 4 children through. 2 of them refused to show up for her funeral. 1 of them hung around only for the possibility of inheriting her car. Her behaviour was shameful and my cousin has never recovered from her traumatic childhood.
I wonder if the time would affect whether the Moon moved into Pisces before the day was over?! That's some Fire Trine there...
Interesting similarities esp if the moon had moved into Aries. An Aries Uranus might be quite scary too esp with all those sqares off it!
ETA: that's a ton of authoritarian Cap too, esp with Saturn in Cap and that Mars/Merc conjunction!
She was the worlds worst housekeeper but felt it was her responsibility to tell others - her daughters and daughters in law how unclean they were. but her house was the worst - she lived in a major pig sty. Her romantic shenanigans were legendary. Always a "party girl" regardless of her kids or husbands. She criticized my mother for years because of her smoking - but she herself was overweight!
Have you tried the chart with a tob closer to midnight? - say 11.45pm?