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Your experience with Saturn opposing Sun

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It's my birthday today and Saturn is opposing my sun, exact to the degree. This will be in my solar return.

It's been a big year for me, but the biggest Rubicon has been crossed (I moved, on purpose, to the other side of the planet!) and the rest of it will all be spent tidying up in the aftermath of this cataclysmic event (for me, that is).

What happened to you when Saturn opposed your Sun? In some sense I am dealing with two transits: Saturn is also crossing my first house, so I am, in many ways, redefining my "self". I am "growing up", I suppose.

What happened to you? How did you feel when it ended? How did this impact your life?

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Saturn opposed my sun just before I had my first Saturn return. So, I was already trying to be serious, about love, about my career. I have Saturn-Venus natally, and sun in Taurus, so there is Venusian energy inherent in my chart. I had Uranus enter my 10th house around that time too, so there was a lot going on. I can't think of one event that impacted my life when Saturn opposed my sun. I don't remember what I was doing at that exact time - I was probably dating people - and I have since blocked that out of my mind. Or maybe I was applying to grad school - can't remember, but I was definitely developing character and testing myself. Smile Happy birthday!

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@cocopeaches Sounds like it was a series of important events!

Thank you so much 😊 

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I think it's great that you are already identifying this transit as significant. It will help you in the year ahead to counterbalance the effects of Saturn. I would expect challenges to your sense of self, tests as cocopeaches mentioned that lead to you defining who you are and what's important to you, based on the relationship you have with yourself. You've already entered into it by making a big decision. Going forwards, there could be times when you feel disappointed, demoralised or flattened by circumstance or other people. When you meet such resistance, keep checking internally on where you might be holding limits on who you really are, what is possible, which gets externalised into situations. Sometimes you might need to get up after a punch, keep fighting.. find core strength within, which starts to shape you differently, stronger, more integral to yourself. There may be some feeling of isolation at times, or that nobody gets you. This is to push you into your own counsel and build a better self relationship. So sometimes it feels harsh, or life is harsh... But that is the ego reaction, sort of woe is me! When it happens, try to snap out of it, then dig deeper into your truth, your intuition, get into flow when you can. It's a bit like radio static that you have to clear by fine tuning yourself. Regular energy clearing, meditation can help. Spiritual practice can help. Also being in nature. 

I think it will tie in with your establishing yourself in a new community, new life.. You may have times you feel like quitting and doubt is the enemy, but that will be Saturn poking you so don't!! It's actually a gift of a transit which asks you to transcend your ego limits under times of pressure. The pressure isn't continuous but you will encounter it, but with some consciousness you can be ready. 

I'm sure you are also keeping an eye on Uranus because the Sun Saturn opposition squares Uranus too. This will probably intensify the process but also help you get there quicker! 

Happy Birthday and best of luck! 

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@sophiab What a lovely and insightful comment! Thank you so much! I definitely feel like it's a process rather than one "thing" ... I've got Aquarius rising so Saturn is my ruling planet. Not sure Saturn transits ever feel "good", but they're good for you ...

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@shortpants I think it's an advantage to already have good daily familiarity with Saturn, through Aqua rising, but also you could feel you already have enough to deal with!

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Happy birthday @shortpants

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Thanks 😊 

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I'm a bit early to this thread but posting to keep a track of responses. Saturn transit Pisces will oppose a major Virgo stellium in my chart, from 7th house (like merc, sun, asc, jupiter in that order, all spread between 7 to 22 deg). Honestly, I'm kind of looking forward to it? I feel like the 2 big delinquents (Uranus & Neptune) have already done a number on my 7th house. It's past time that that's tidied up!

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