
50% of Car Dealersh...
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50% of Car Dealerships Offline

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They are now saying they will be down for months.

This clip says average dealership employs 70 people.

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CDK hackers want “millions” in ransom to end outage. CDK is planning to make the payment, according to information provided to Bloomberg. Attackers are an “Eastern European cybercrime group”.

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@elsa Interesting. In the UK papers today reports of a Russian cyber gang stealing National Health Service data, didn't receive ransom payment so have released some of it. Are these reports true or a means for us to face East, or both?!

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@sophiab I think these things deserve a lot more attention. You don't see it until you're directly impacted.

So many things are like this right now. Obliterated, beneath the veneer, or the shell or the husk that remains visible.  

On the heath service data, I would not think anyone cares about privacy at all.  The decision to pay or not pay would be made based on $.

Since the $valuable$ data is already "shared", can't put the genie back in the bottle, so why pay?

In the case of the cars, they are losing sales... it's half the car lots here, fixing to go out of business. Cars are unaffordable as it is.

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@elsa I'm curious to the actual source of the cyber attacks, and where they are reported to be from. With IT, the web, geography doesn't really exist, it's just cyber space, so it's difficult to determine the source, and easy to say, it's coming from x, y, z.

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@sophiab I guess that's the problem at this point.  Even if you know, you probably don't know.

Our trusting human nature has been severely abused... yet we still trust and continue to fall prey. If we refuse to trust, ever, what's that mean?  Where does that leave us?

I don't think the truth is ever reported.  People or entities pay for things to be reported for whatever their purpose. I wish we could go back to getting our info from each other... that's what this forum was about in it's early days.

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this is enlightening... it's all lies and tricking people.  

Our congresspeople's stock trades are something to behold.


Take this car hack. What if there was a big player NOT using this service. This person pays the hacker to target the service... wipes out the competition or at least deals them a horrible blow.

It's very hard to have a civilized world when there is no common rule book. I have to deal with online, but it's one of the reasons I live where I do. Most in this area, pretty much follow the Ten Commandments. To this day, I think if a person can just mind those ten things; life goes pretty smoothly.

Lawlessness and laws for thee, but not for me, is when you have all kinds of trouble. This is where we are at this point.

And even around here, my local county license plate and the donation stickers to select orgs, go a long way.

It's the mafia, basically.  Not the Italian mafia, but, I am well aware I am paying protection money.  Well worth it, by the way.

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