
Diamond waiting to ...
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Diamond waiting to be noticed

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There's a young man, I follow on twitter. He'd make someone a terrific husband, but I don't think he's been discovered.  He's not a bad enough boy, perhaps.  But he's got all the hallmarks of winner... and of a leader and of a top notch dad.

I like seeing this person out there. He's gives me hope and I'm sure he's not the only one.

This is the dude who is always posting his breakfast or maybe his dinner... he's eats tons of eggs, that's for sure, but me makes himself a true plate of food.  He's got farm eggs from what I can see, but the point is, someone taught him this.  I don't think he's much more than... 22?

He also greets his friends and he's always encouraging. This is is food, which he makes himself:

food 2

He's always optimistic and basically gets up, eats and encourages people to continue to work towards their goals.

I admit he's geeky looking now, but he's got soulful eyes and will mature into a very handsome man. He looks as if he's probably tall and skinny.  These things are as asset, down the road!

He also does not like people who abandon dogs on the highway and posts about it.  Really, he's just a good dude.  Parents raised him very well.

My point is this: young women, don't give up!

Do you see encouraging this out there, too?

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Joined: 11 years ago

I love it! I don’t know who this particular guy is, but I see a little here and there. I honestly have no idea what I’d be like if I was 20 in 2024, because of how I would have been influenced this century, not having experienced last century. That and all of life that shaped me for almost 60 years. But I think I may have liked someone like this because a lot of resonated with me even then.

My sister-in-law’s son is absolutely like this. I’ve only met him once. But he’s in his 20’s, a lineman, saved all his money to buy land, built a house, I think he taps maples as a hobby, hunts, has a longtime girlfriend. 

My neighbors’ son is similar: he’s been a volunteer fireman in our town, and still is, and works as a firefighter in another town. He’s a natural leader (a Leo), self-reliant, the kind of kid you want on your team, to help. He’s married but it’s nice to see. One of his friends is a third/fourth/something generation farmer here in town, same age. It’s good to see.

So I know I just listed off all these married or not single young men, but I see them out there. So hopefully the young man in your post can meet a woman who’s looking for a partner like him.

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