
Do we know what the...
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Do we know what the boundaries of the internet are?

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People often mention having conversations near their phone and later seeing related content come up on their phone's internet. 

This morning I was 'thinking' about a recent post on here about addiction, and a comment I made about addiction to prescribed reality. So, my thoughts  were about the film The Matrix and I was trying to remember what happened to Neo when he transitioned from being in the Matrix to waking up from his pod and being rescued by the team of people including Morpheus and Trinity. I was trying to remember if he showed signs of being an addict in this transition phase, because I remembered he wasn't very well for a while, very weak, and had to be looked after, which fit the idea of an addict going cold turkey (he had left the prescribed reality). So I was puzzling all this in my mind and thinking about the film makers and how they might have come to their ideas for the story, which seems very progressive for the time it was made, etc, 

Long story short, I was looking at YouTube on and off this evening and just now I scroll and see a video with Trinity on the front. I scroll further and there is a horizontal line of videos, like when you get reels and stuff interrupting the feed sideways, and they are ALL about The Matrix.

So, my question is, is the internet able to read/receive/respond to internal thoughts now? Could this be unexpected AI? Not necessarily designed to do that but an organic development from our minds constantly interacting with the network. Our not knowing fully what we created and the possibilities.

I was wondering, if this were the case now, then what would the wider global collectives reaction be? Would this be an "event", the realisation occuring en masse. And what are the implications of there being no boundaries to this network?

Has anyone else experienced this? Not speaking something, just thinking it and then it appears in some form on the internet.

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I think it's possible because I've experienced it a number of times... too many to  be coincidental. 

We're not all crazy.  Something(s) are afoot!

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Someone (anyone) on the radio OFTEN speaks the same word I'm either thinking or typing at exactly the same moment.

I'm sure I have on some occasion opened YouTube intending to search for something, but idly scrolled a bit first, and then happened upon the thing I intended to search for.

Could it actually be our minds "manifesting" -- spontaneously, UNintentionally, randomly, subconsciously -- in Our consciousness?  Like when they say you can manifest wealth or whatever -- only without trying?  A glitch in the matrix?  

There are no witnesses to these experiences, assuming we didn't Tell anyone what we were thinking about before it happened.  Try an experiment:  Write something, specific and uncommon, on a piece of paper without telling anyone, without speaking it or typing it, and put it away where no one will see it.  See if the matter turns up soon on media.  Of course, this will Not be quite the same as it's not spontaneous, unintentional, random, or subconscious.


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@warped I am trying to type with my mind, here and there,  because so often, the text I want, appear in the field.  I don't really think this is it, but I'm testing.

I think this happens because the TV is on, and I have a habit of searching what's on TV, in the moment.  I think I could be predictable,  in that the phrase is said, I go to search. Or it could be an actor in the program,. I type the first letter of the name, and it autocompletes. 

This is the circumstance, where I see this happen, often. TV to tablet, but I feel my habits are part of it. If I change my habit... it would break the thing.

I have changed my habits, to test, and other reasons. I use three browsers on my tablet, depending on the site I'm visiting.  This only happens on the one I use in tandem with the TV.

I have my microphone off, by the way. Not sure what's going on, but I'm trying to figure it out.

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@elsa I think on the simplest level it is our habits that are being learned, then perhaps rewarded. 

I wonder if the microphone is turned “off” is the device really not listening in other ways? Same with the camera. I don’t know for sure.

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@allie120 I don't know either, but I can tell you it bugs me for access all the time.  I also manage to use an android tablet without being signed into google.  They bug me about that too.

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@warped I did consider that it might be manifestation, that my thoughts creatively manifested as a "thing" in the 3D realm. It's entirely possible and I will continue observing. 

In regards the radio, it's possible we can pick up the signals before they transmit as a sound. Rather like reading someone's mind, saying what they are thinking or about to say. This can happen noticeably when you spend a lot of time around a person, you share thoughts.

I think with Pisces energy being strong at the moment some of these non linear, non boundaried realities are more transparent perhaps. I have a Pisces moon conjunct Jupiter in Pisces, so I tend towards experiencing the non linear with time and space, but this seemed a first for me in it's directness. 

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@sophiab The Piscean energy…we’re tapping in? Or it’s more pervasive with Jupiter. Good point.

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@allie120 I was thinking that with Saturn and Neptune transiting Pisces, we might collectively become more aware of boundaries or conversely, lack of boundaries. 


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@warped The radio thing has definitely happened to me.

But also, is it similar to when you want to buy a car or are car shopping and you have something in mind, you suddenly see those cars everywhere? Your mind is sharpened or focused on it, so you notice it more.

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Also, I posted a Garland jeffreys video two days ago. I also wrote a friend an email, doing more than just mentioning him...I told a story.

Tonight, I have seen a commercial with his music in it, at least three times. 

I think I'm immune to, as in it won't result in a sale, but I bet there is more to it. These days, i feel i can only think "bird thoughts", if you know the reference. Means, it's beyond me. Light years. .

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@elsa This situation I'm describing would be like having Siri, but you never speak to it, it just reads your mind.

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@sophiab I understand.  I was thinking these things I mentioned may reveal the back end of how that's achieved.

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@elsa Yes, I think there are two pathways here. Is it by design, is it organic development, and/or a combination of both.

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Maybe we could all do our own experiments to see.

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@allie120 that's a fun idea. I opened this thread so we can report such things here. Like UFO sightings 😅

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