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Do you feel things are getting better, or...

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Do you feel things are getting better, or do you think they're still degrading?  

Or do you think it's stagnant, or do you have another idea??

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I think we are headed for a year of attrition. 

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Are your thoughts with respect to the economy or more broadly to life in general?

I think things are degrading from an economic standpoint, and as for life in general it seems like the pace of people evolving and devolving has picked up, like we are splitting in different directions.

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Yes, almost like two species.  Perhaps one has been infiltrated by AI?!

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@warped I can see that. Some people are already missing out on the human experience via the filter of AI.

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@tbb Economy, but also the people who die are not being replaced. Everyone will have less....

I am thinking of the Latin meaning of the word.

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@elsa thanks for clarifying. I can see how one (economy) begets the other (life in general) anyway. I am bracing myself for things to get much worse. There is a lot of negative energy to clear out.

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Still degrading.  I was looking for your layoff thread but couldn't find it.  @WhatLayoff is going strong.

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@giovanni it may be gone. Sorry. I didn't do it deliberately. The site was on life support until I found Fiverr guys. 

On a separate note. I was thinking "Fiverr" and the word appeared before I typed the f.




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People are fatter than ever, depressed, suicidal, drug riddled, engaged in thievery, objectifying others, and more.

Things could become worse (i.e. Pol Pot, Lenin, etc.), and despite the DEI and other commie nonsense, I do believe that in a matter of years, the bleeding will stop. Until then, the pot will continue to boil.


I did overhear how Buffet removed half of his funds from the market. Japan went a little sour. But, we can still live, eat, be with fam and friends, no?

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The market has been artificially propped up by the post Covid cash printing extravaganza. It has taken this long for the pig to move  through the python. The last of the bennies to business has finally expired.  Now we will see what havoc a 35 trillion dollar national debt will wreak. Soft landing my a$$.

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@jana Agreed. One may argue it was propped well before that. This period of infla tion has existed for a decade now.

If one has many assets tied to some of these propped up entities, then b@[*d&bX.

I have learned about short selling stocks. How many entities are tied together.

I have learned many are willing to play the longer, healthier, games.

I am concerned about many, many people that I do and do not personally know.

Many are willing to stand upon basic principles and double down on family, community, starting a small biz, etc. Many recognize the lies that have been sold to a many for decades now.

Some just talk, some take action. I believe we will all be compelled to act, for better or worse.




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Yes, you could easily trace back to the Great Financial Crisis 2007, too big to fail banks and the Wall Street bail out, no balanced budget since Bill Clinton presidency, etc. 

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