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Libra Noir
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I can’t find some older dream threads so here’s a newer one for us. 

My dream last night. There’s a creek by our house but in the dream it was a river. I couldn’t find my son. At some point I realized that my had crossed that river without my knowledge and now was somewhere in the hills with a friend I thought. In reality I live in a really gentle landscape but in the dream it was darker and more brutal. I even looked on the app on my phone because I can track him and it didn’t show where he was. For some reason I could not cross the river, but I saw his dog swimming in it lol. I understood it as a type of boundary, that it was “safe” on the side where we lived. In the dream I felt panic and pain. 

This was really powerful for me. The symbolism of crossing a river is pretty archetypal in terms of initiation. Crossing the river Styx right? He is almost 17. I talk to him a lot about initiations into manhood, how there’s processes that I as a woman have not been through. I just pray to his guides that they show him the way while he’s in the wilderness. I wonder who the friend was in the dream. 

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That would have hit me hard @Libra-noir 

It hit me hard, just reading it. Our boys go out in the wild - it's vicious, at least it was for me.

Hopefully he'll be happy. That's the biggest thing.

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I was driving on a busy street in the town I grew up. I made a sudden turn, and was going too fast so I was trying to get the car under control. All of a sudden, I can’t see. Everything is black, but I’m still driving and now I’m freaking out, hoping I don’t hit anyone or anything. I don’t. My vision comes back after what feels like forever and I’m in a different place. Like, a different town, different street. A lot more nature here, versus the busy city street I was previously driving on. There are people on the side of the road, I swerve a little because they were right there as soon as my vision comes back. Now, I’m driving on a rocky uneven red rock hiking/climbing trail. Not for cars. I’m bumping along, freaking out again because I don’t want to crash, don’t want to ruin my car, when I come to a particularly uneven point and my car tips forward and rolls sideways. I fear my head will be crushed. But I’m okay, the car rights itself, and my legs are sticking out of the bottom, Flintstones style. And I’m carrying the car around me, holding it up like the skirt on a dress. But I’m freaking out, rattled. I see that while I’m still on the red rocks, there’s a manicured neighborhood in front of me. I see a young man walk by, and I ask for help. He says, um, sure. Not mean, willing, but more like he thinks I look like I don’t need help. I realize, well, I’m wearing a car like a dress and getting down a few feet off some rocks will be a problem? So I say, well, spot me. So he stands there, watching as I climb down. I make it, thank him, and he leaves.

Amidst the sudden turns, blindness, unknown precarious landscapes, I worry a lot but I’m okay. And I’m a lot more capable, stronger than I thought.

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Libra Noir
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@buendia Wow, that sounds intense. I love that you got the message so clearly though. You don’t think you can do something but then you can carry a damn car down a rocky hill.

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@libra-noir I really love the way you untie things. Libra Noir, the Untie-er.

Libra Noir
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@buendia Lol thank you:)

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I've been dreaming quite intensely lately, mainly symbolic dreams, but last night's/this morning's were different. In the first one, I was at home with my family, and I just blurted out (neighbour's name)'s funeral will be on Friday the 5th. Now, my neighbour does currently have cancer and is due treatment very soon, but he is getting on a bit. I must point out that he seems in good health, despite his cancer.

In the second one, I was actually half asleep/coming round and all I could see was grey, and I randomly said the word/name Baphomet. I was then fully awake, and all I could think was Baphomet. I don't think these dreams were connected and I wasn't scared, but the first thing I did when I got up was to check the calendar for the next Friday 5th, which is next January. Both these dreams have been playing on my mind, mainly due to how direct they were, and not abstract like my dreams usually are. I don't want to freak myself out, and I haven't told my partner of the neighbour dream yet, and I'm wondering if anyone can throw out any ideas? Is there some symbolism I'm overlooking?

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@plutolover Oh wow. The first dream may be a premonition. Maybe keep an eye on your neighbor especially closer to that date. I'm not sure if not thinking about it will change anything, but sending him blessings and prayers may ease some worry. Hopefully it's not a premonition of some sort and his health improves. Sending him light. This probably doesn't help, sorry.

The second dream.. Baphomet is a demon, right? Or satanic in nature?

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@ridingthewaves from what I gather, Baphomet is a fictional figure, first referenced in the knights' crusades, but has latterly been used as a satanic symbol by some, likening the goat head to an inverted pentagram. As I said, it didn't scare me, it just stood out as it was so clear.

Thank you for your good wishes, yes we are keeping an eye on him and I think/hope we could spot quite early on if he needed some intervention. I'm glad to say he gets out and about nearly every day!

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@plutolover The thing that I noticed about your 2 dreams is that in both you said something suddenly.

You used the words, blurted out and randomly. It was the action and quality of speaking that drew my attention, because it was a similar factor in both.

You might also compare the content of what was said, one was about death, the other about some figure, possibly linked to death? I don't know, but you can compare those 2 elements as well.

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@sophiab thanks for drawing my attention to this, very well spotted! Much food for thought, and I think I'll follow this train of thought and see where it takes me 🙂

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I dreamed that I moved into a new place, but it wasn't at all what I wanted nor expected. I kept thinking to myself "If I would've just waited, I would've gotten that place that I initially wanted." The place that I had moved into in my dream was in a somewhat bad area, and there were squatters there when I moved in. And I kept worrying about my stuff getting stolen, thinking "I should've just waited. Why didn't I get the other place?"

In real life, I've been saving up to move to a new place, and I've been going back and forth between just leaving or waiting until December when I have more money saved and I would have my final tattoo session of the year (which costs a lot of money). I'm trying not to be impatient, but I'm just ready to get on with my life. So I guess the dream is telling me to just be patient and I may get what I want instead of rushing and ending up in a bad spot.

Being patient all the time can be so hard though especially when one is fed up.

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@ridingthewaves I think Jupiter in Taurus is creating these extremely patience-necessary times. It really seems to be a thing at the moment. I was trying to recall/work out if Uranus in Taurus has a role in this (looking back to 2018), but it's an odd one to decipher, and I've decided its a wildcard that seems fast on the surface but may actually be slow if we take the whole transit into account, having all the parts, which we can't do yet. These 2 retrograding together will be an interesting layer, and of course their conjunction next year.

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@sophiab I think you're right. It makes sense. I feel like this energy has been of the "hurry up and wait" variety. Like, hurry and get your plans and etc together, but be patient and wait for the right moment to strike and when you do, things will fall into place. So I'm just trying so hard to be patient even when it feels like I'm not moving at all even though I am. T. Jupiter is conjunct my Mars in the 7H and Uranus will probably retrograde back into conjunction with my Mars. I haven't really seen too much of a reversal of anything except last November I got a promotion at one of my jobs. I'm trying to be hopeful! Thank you for your insight.

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@ridingthewaves Yes, I agree. A sense of urgency at times, but also waiting and taking measured action. Less reactionary or controlling. A big part also is learning to trust, to trust yourself and the universe and acknowledging divine timing. It's like working together with universal energies rather than against them or pretending they don't exist. It feels like a new way, so it's hard, but it's also more deeply innate, less mental reliant, more body (heart), mind and spirit working together.

Libra Noir
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I had a dream last night that my mom died. My stepbrother (who I do not respect) called me and told me in the middle of the night. I was really sad, sorrowful. I somehow understood that she died peacefully in her sleep. I somehow also understood that she died alone and I think that’s the main reason I was sad. Then it was one of those things where I dreamt that I woke up and was telling someone about this dream. 

I pull a card from this particular oracle deck for dream work. The card was Soul Tribe. 

Im considering the fact that this could be an archetypal dream. That doesn’t mean that it’s irrelevant to my relationship with my mother or separate but I wonder if that’s an angle to be explored alongside my actual relationship with her (which is strained and painful for me). 

Anyone have thoughts? Also- Pluto is squaring my Moon. 

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@libra-noir I am not particularly good with this... I rarely have ideas about dreams but what I got was that you run this trauma in your dream to soften the blow when it does happen. 

I don't think think it's a remark on timing, basically.  It's more a Saturn in Pisces thing - you are working out your fears your dreams.  It's favorable.

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This!  Over the years I had many such "run the trauma" dreams about losing ageing loved ones.  It did seem like the subconscious trying to train or desensitize itself in a way.

And to die in one's sleep is surely what we'd wish for ourselves and others.  Being alone makes no difference when you're asleep.  

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@warped i think a good percentage of people prefer it. It's common enough, dying people send people out, then promptly  die. I think I may be this way. Come into life alone and scared (according to my husband), go out alone, taking nothing with you. People forget. All that hoarding, for what?

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Preferable in my sleep, alone, by surprise, instant.

Yes, so often I gaze wistfully at countless cherished objects, even the most humble dish or book or article of clothing, most of which were previously owned by others, and contemplate my attachment to them, hoping they'll all be cherished by someone else when I'm gone.  I've always been like this.  Even as a small child I mourned the broken, the worn, the outgrown.  I still mourn some of the given-away!

Virgo Moon in 8th trine Taurus Venus/IC?

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@warped I have always said, I'd prefer to be hit by a train, wearing headphones. Never saw what hit me. But the idea of lying around with people waiting for me to die? I can easily see asking them to leave. Die in peace?

Could be codependency. If someone is there, I have to take care of them? Feel bad for them?

My mother did this. She was very clear; I was to go on and live my life.  I understood, instantly. 

Didn't mean to go off topic. Sorry.

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My sentiments exactly!  A train, a plane, anything!  


Libra Noir
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@elsa Ya that actually makes sense. I plan on moving out of her house next year. We don’t even talk now so I don’t see us having a relationship. It’s a death of sorts.

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@libra-noir I think the dream is positive, preparatory. In the dream you don't seem to be in your mother's house because you are called by your step brother, does this suggest a distance is involved? I was also wondering if the timing of the dream is linked to the experience of nihilism you had recently. When I read about that I thought it's maybe because you're preparing to make "the break" . But a part of you, a really old part, is resisting, hence the nihilism. The flare up of nihilism although destructive is a good sign because it means your system knows whats inevitably going to happen and is trying to stop you. The destructive flare ups happen because of the positive change. I think the dream ties in with that. Your system is preparing for deep change, so it's exciting despite the topic of the dream.

Libra Noir
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@sophiab Thanks for your thoughts.

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