
Grocery cart test
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Grocery cart test

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Read someone suggesting you could tell a person's character by whether they returned their grocery cart.

From what I've seen, this is regional.  In Colorado,  virtually no one returned their cart. Here, everyone returns their cart, every time. When I thought about it, I have to admit, people here are more civilized. Not that this is what everyone wants. 

But the difference is huge. Virtually no commonality. We really are becoming factionalized, as my husband suggesting,  fifteen years ago.

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Only barbarians fail to return the shopping cart. 


I jest, but really, return your carts.

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I not only return my cart, I also stack it. People are so lazy and entitled. However I have noticed, they aren't too fond of me either! 

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Return your cart ya lazy beast! Walk the 10 feet to do it. You probably need the exercise and no one at that store is your mother. People are so ignorant and LAZY. The people I see leave them are the ones that need to walk the extra 10 feet the most. 

I'm not going to 'Karen' and say anything to them... but I will LOL when someone dumps garbage in their yard accidently... Oops. 

Idk if this has anything to do with areas or like red or blue states or anything like that as much as it is some people are raised by wolves... but I was raised by wolves and know to put mine up.... maybe its generational... but my grandkids know to put the cart up so..... MANNERS!?! 

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Colorado was a frozen tundra of shopping carts in ice.

Sue Ellen
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Almost everyone returns carts to the buggy collection places in the parking lots.  The stores have multiple collection spots within 5 parking spaces.  The more convenient it is, the more it’s used. In my opinion, people have learned a loose cart can cause damage when it rolls and collides with someone or something. 

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